Thursday, June 10, 2010

today... Gray day

was interesting. more later.
French. French was interesting today, we found out that my teacher isnt going to be there at all next week but we have a french sub. We have a test next Thursday that this sub is suppose to prepare us for... This should be fun.... ish.

Super Saiyan picked me up from school, and we went to lunch at Chick-Fil-A. we both got the new spicy sandwich. He said it was good, but i could tell that he though it was to spicy; i on the other hand thought it was good.

well now i can only drop the class if i want to have a Withdraw on my transcript. So hopefully i dont fail it.
After Chick-Fil-A i spoke French to Super Saiyan. He still didnt do as he promised. Lame-OOooooo!

Its now 3pm so i started texting WhiteMM to see where she was. and GB was texting me back using her phone.. I only know it was him because he said "you are incorrect maam, we are going to arrive at 445" And WhiteMM never saves "incorrect" or "maam"
(Which is spelled Ma'am).

the ran into traffic on 410, around 5. and ended up showing up at 530. he wasnt what we expected.

we hung out for a while, talking... awkwardly; getting to know one another.. Then we played Life, the board game, and after that we went to Freddy's.
at Freddy's Super Saiyan and i got the same thing. Then we shared one of the custer treats, and he took the whipped cream and accidentally flipped it all unto his pants.. hahahaha!
Before we left WhiteMm and I went into the restroom, because she was getting a look and i wanted to talk to her. So we talked for a few minutes and she started crying. So we stayed for a few minutes more. ahole came up and she didnt want to talk about him.

Je pense que le français est un peu difficile!
(I think that French class is a little difficult)

After Freddy's we came back to my house and the two guys played chess... WhiteMM and I got super bored watching that game. They didnt do any moves we told them to do!
that took about 45 minutes to an hour...

after that we talked some more and then decided to watch a movie.
We watched Wanted I had to inform Super Saiyan to close his eyes in a few mega blood parts.. He starts convulsing a little bit.. it grosses him out.

Wanted was over, and we split off into our couples on opposite sides of the bed to talk to our person of choice about their day.. hahaha. we were all becoming incoherent, then GB and WhiteMM fell asleep, and GB started snoooooorrring Loudly!

its about 4am, and Super Saiyan woke GB and WhiteMM up so he could take GB back to his house where he was going to stay for the night, and the next one.

Then it was the wonderful sleep time.


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