Monday, April 30, 2018

Dear Papa 4/30/18

I got a call this past Friday while I was sleeping from my lady doctor, letting me know that they no longer take my insurance and cancelled my appt for Tuesday. Fun, right? The appt was to continue to prevent babies, and now they gave me 2 days to look for a new person. So I spent some of this morning before work, and some of this afternoon after work doing just that. Most places don’t keep my shot on hand and would need to set up another appt a week out from the first appt and I would have had to go to a pharmacy to get the shot myself and bring it in to be administered. LAaaaaaame! THEN the last place I called had an appt avail for tomorrow!! YAY! They said they would possibly be able to squeeze me in an early morning appt for my shot later in the week so that I’m still within my grace window.

Famine is doing wonderful. His ears are always hot and that concerns me a little, but he is a huge love muffin.
I didn’t clean a HUGE section of my room yesterday but I did throw out a lot of old documents that I no longer need. When I stop by tonight after dropping Sister home I’ll take down the recycle can, since it is quite full and Brother may not be able to carry it down without dropping it.

He went shopping today to get last minute things in preparation for dinner tomorrow night. I still don’t think he is as excited about it as id like him to be, but he agreed to it, and hasn’t cancelled dinner. That’s a start and it’s all I really ask for now.

The other job has given me an update. They said that the way they turned in the medical got rejected and now they have to hand write answers in a package, and then also type up the same descriptions into the system. They say they’ll have it done this week and should be able to set up the physical next week.

On a good note, work sucks less and more. They took away the double pay days. We are no longer allowed to 7 work days to get double pay on Saturdays. I spoke to the director of production and he says it’s not coming back either “because it’s bad business”

BUT my super wants to put me in a new position that he thinks I’ll be prefect for working alone and outside the fab away from everyone all night... On top of that position he does want me to come into the fab 3 times a night. Once at the start of shift to complete the starts for when they are released at 12:30, basically make sure they are in boxes and ready to start processing. And the other two times to load/unload a sink just to it doesn’t stay idle all night. The other people in the same position across the other shifts are not being asked to do this. And if I’m able to manage my time and get these things done without too much assistance my supervisor said he would spin it and make it sound like I took the initiative to do these tasks on my own and have done them consistently for however many months. In turn when ranked against my coworkers of the same position it’ll have me placed at the top which would make me look better and would assist in getting me better raises or promotions. **IF I stay** I haven’t told him or anyone at work my plans of the other job in looking into. But I feel less incline to burn all the bridges if the main job doesn’t work out and I haven’t been able to find something fitting after. Don’t worry Papa, I plan on going back to school if the other job progresses and finding something in the field if we part ways.