Sunday, December 5, 2010

W2G- dmb455


Thank you ever so much by Proving the Very Point i was making in my October 30th "i'm not; but i am" blog. (linked if you need a refresher)

"because they were brought up in an environment were "this action" was acceptable so to them it is."

Lunch on Saturday, WhiteMM wanted to go to lunch with MnotT and I, but he didn't want me to be there. Why? because he is still butt hurt that i broke up with him, and mostly because of that blog post, basically saying that i wouldnt date him again. he Intentionally was an asswipe to me. that doesnt hurt my feelings, just so you know it only makes you look like an asswipe.

Today--I'm going to say i dont care about you, and i dont, in any sort of happy feeling way. I do not have good feelings, but do have feelings towards you. I despise you. You are seriously Fucking pissing me off with your 12 year old games. I take back all my "sorrys". i dont give a shit that i hurt your feelings, its been over two months, get fucking over it. and by the attitude that you Intentionally showed to me on Saturday i dont care to Ever be your friend again. So Way To Go On Ruining Any Kind Of Friendship You And I Could Have Had!


Unfortunately when this happened i just blew it off, and when i thought about it earlier today, it ruined my day, and its probably going to have me pissed all day tomorrow as well.