So I tried to enter the hours split between the top line and bottom line but it wouldne let me because in the second line I put 5:40p and 6a with 12a and 12:50a being my break. So the hours from 12a-6a were conflicting with the group hours i entered as working.

Jan 4th
B5/6aN left. The last few days have been boring without him. He was the first person to talk to me . My current bay coworkers don't talk to me anymore. They talk to each other a lot. It is starting to bother me. It makes me feel like they don't like me for some reason. So I'm trying to branch out and talk to other people in my department but two things.
o I have to walk to their bays.
o I feel like I spend too much time there and awkwardly leave to go back to working.
Today was insane. My work pen is dying and I just got a new one...so I don't want to burden my Super and ask for another new one. B4aG did lose my extra pen. Maybe I can tell my Super B4aG he lost the good one? Work picked up a lot. Near the start of the day my lead said if I had time could I help them out with B7D - Sink 29 and B5A - Sink 28. I didn't even tell my Bay coworkers, I just left them to go run the sinks. I also don't really like being in the Bay with them because of the above mentioned reason of them not talking to me. Even when I would try to join thier conversations, they would stop talking to each other when I got near. Rude. :(
All shifts work for the same company but the way each shift is ran, no one would believe that. We all seem like our own clock gear pieces of separate companies that have to be in the same timepiece to make it tick. My shift is already following new company time keeping even though we are not official, but we need to work out the timing with our coworkers and Bay peeps.
D1 shift is still following old rules. Which is going to be crazy for them next week, if we switch to the new company. We are already on Day 2 of the new timekeeping and it is still a hard transition. Figuring out the breaks has also been difficult. We were told that we had to take 15-60-15, but could not combine any breaks unlike before when we had 25-60-25. We used to combine to 60-50 or 110. Today we were told from a TOP dog that we will after all be allowed to combine to 60-30 but our first break HAD to be taken before 11:30pm, even if we clocked out at 11:30p for our first break.
So B4aT left at 10 and B4aG left at 10:30 leaving me alone. B4aG said he was only going to take 30 but still wasn't back by 11:27 so I had to leave which is bullshit because they both know my break is at 11! Has been for 6 months! I barely clocked out in time at 11:29! Then I thought I'll be smart and take 45 minutes just to see if I could or if I'd get in trouble, so I did.
At my lunch break I went to the lunchroom to heat up my leftovers and two coworkers offered me handmade enchiladas. I said yes because free food. They were delish!! I put my leftovers back in my bag for tomorrow.
When I got back in, I went back to the bays I was working in to avoid my coworkers. I needed to go back to 4A for something and checked Navigo to see if 72etch was up yet (this was around 3a.m), it was signed up to "Full Quals" at 11pm! And B4aT didn't check on it. I went to ask the Lead how to do it because B4aT informed me at that time that he didn't know how to do the full qual. Yet he is certified on it and so am I. So my Lead said she was deactivating our certifacations because to be certified meant we knew the qual. And then she got a person who had some time come by and teach me the qual steps. She said if that person watched me do it and felt good about my learning and writing down the steps, I'd keep my certifaction.
I started getting the needed test wafers in the order they needed to be in. I had 2 cassettes that needed 5 wafers each in a certain order to be read in the correct parts of the machine and another 2 cassettes with 3 wafers each. Then they all needed to be pre-read on 3 different machines/6 different recipes. This took me 2 hours! Just to pre-read. Remember that "I'll be smart and only take 45" minutes on my first break? Well now it's 5am, and all breaks have to be DONE by 5:30, no one can be out of the fab past that time. So I lost 15 minutes of break time. This, this I may actually get in trouble for.. (update: 1/29/16, i did not)
I asked my Lead if she gets told if temps are going to be offered full time. She said she gives input and has been asked about me. She is not told time frames and thinks it will be after the new company takes over which is not until January 11th now, pending government approval. (update: 1/29/16, the new company didnt take over on the 11th, it was pushed back again with a TBD date)
I did not get 72etch qual started in time before shift change, so I wrote down ALL the names and pre-read and apologized to the D1 lady. She has been working the Bay alone this week and it has been busy. I apologized for leaving her with another Full Qual to do because Sunday B4aT let 24etch sit all day and didn't even attempt to do it. And D1 got in trouble for it not being done. So I felt bad that she had to do another.
Difference, pre-readings were done. For a qual that takes 3-4 hours for a pre-read, qual, post-read, enter data. He did nothing for a qual that takes nearly 6hrs, if nothing fails on the first attempt. He didn't even stay for passdown and I didn't work that Bay! So I said sorry for that as well and suggested she read the notes on the tools to see if anything went down for that day. Had i known he wasnt going to give passdown i would have tried to get that info so D1M didnt have to figure it out. Rude?! I told my Lead That B4aT didnt stay and hasnt been involved in giving passdown and She said she would talk to D1M To see how B4aT is giving passdown, just to make sure I'm not being deciving.
Jan 5th
As the days go on B4aT is getting more and more complacent. He is fulltime and is getting the benefits from it, but has settled into being more lazy because of it. I didn't think it was possible but it happened in front of my eyes. Sitting for nearly the entire shift. With B4aT and B4aG talking more with each other and I'm starting to feel more isolated which is a sucky feeling amungst coworkers.
I asked my lead if I could start training on other tools in a new bay. She said yes. But I'd have to wait for the person that would train me to come back from vacation. She starts vacation on the 7th. My Lead also said they were not going to waste any more time on B4aT because gossip has spread that he is leaving as soon as he gets his tax return. And it is rumored that B4aG might stat a week, 2 tops after that. So neither of them are going to be trained anywhere else. B3aY said she'd train me on the optimas, B6aR said she train me on those sinks and the tools in 5B and my lead said she'd train me on the sink in 7C. It sounds like because she knows B4aT and B4aG are planning on leaving, she is just going to leave them in the bay until a new trainee comes in. I might be able to train the new person.
Jan 6th
B4aG was off this day but did not inform us the day before...again. He is not a very good team player. Today was busy but all went well and B4aT and I didn't talk the whole shift. Not even to let the other know that we were going on break. We just left at the times we wanted even if the other wasnt back yet.