Monday, May 31, 2010

purple day.

today was a purple day. we didnt do much today. had some pizza and watched dbz all day... all day starting at 5pm. because before that i was helping clean up a section of my house. and my parents were working on the front. a better picture to come later. all that is left is the chair boarder and moving everything back in. and i love my cat. :)

Messed Up Toe

i messed up my toe this morning. it looks awful. and it hurts a lot! .... and it was doing just fine until my dad touched it. after he touched it it started gushing blood.

its all my cats fault. i was feeding him this morning when i hit it on a corner of something sticking up that went under my skin above the nail. when i find the object i'll take a picture of it as well.

brown day

tomorrow is purple. :)

dear boy,
i've made a shit ton of errors in my life, mostly in relationships, so i thank you with all my heart for not holding my errors against me. regret is a wasted emotion, so i dont regret anything i've done.. i just wish i didnt do them to being with. this is why i process now. i dont want to fall into the same traps. i dont want to feel as i did.
good thing? i've never felt, as i do with you, with another. I'm not saying its love, i'm not saying its not, and i'm not saying it cant be one day. I am saying this is a new feeling, one i've never had, and i like this new high of happiness.

with that said, i'm going to work on the state of mind and change mine.

i am good.
i am wonderful.
i am amazing.
i am worthy.
i am not worthless.
i am scared but i am not terrified.
i may not be the best for you, but i am damn good.
i trust you, a lot. i cant/wont promise, but i'll try my best not to let you down.
thanks for having me look forward to another color & day