Saturday, July 3, 2010

the test

the test went awesome-ly.

i totally forgot about it. i got a B on the oral conversation with the teacher and i only got a B because when she asks me a question i dont answer in a complete sentence... because i choke on the words in fear of saying them wrong.


she asked "where do you live; in a house, an apartment, or on campus."
i responded "in a house." instead of "i live in a house."

she asked if i lived alone.
i said non, avec moi parents (no with my parents) which is choppy; instead of non, j'habite avec moi parents (no, i live with my parents).

I know i SHOULD use complete sentences, but shes right I start to, then i back out because i think its going to be wrong.

but all in all it was fun.

On the written part i i had a few things in mind and just started writing a bunch of stuff. (we had a slight prompt, and had to write a paragraph (in french) to the person that we are going to be roommates with).

and on the comprehension part i think i mussed up two of the questions by flipping what went where.

But with a B on the oral i think i got a B on the test, and if not, I hope she lets up do corrections like she did last time.

notes and days

writing notes on paper to random people is fun. i dont remember the last time i wrote a note, I've just texted what i wanted to say to people, thus forgetting how much fun writing notes is.
the worst part about writing notes is waiting for the person to respond. because if they dont respond that sucks because you most likely had a question in the note you wanted them to answer or pick up on... or they've just wasted your time.... i guess that goes with texting also, when you send someone a text and they dont respond to you, or even answer the question while your with them in person.

So i almost failed the June challenge like 6 times, but i did complete it. the challenge of posting something every day... i got the idea from Bluest Eyes, who got it from another blog she reads.

But as soon as June ended my summer class picked up, so i didnt post anything for two days. not much really happened in the two days anyway. But French buddy came over so that we could work our or final together; which is a 5 minutes conversation (in french) with each other that we have to memorize, FUN!! (not).

so i have three class days left of french then i dont go back to school until august. i was going to take a summer two class but there wasnt anything i needed, i dont have "extra credit" hours left, and i have two weeks of a lot of stuff happening and a summer class isnt a good thing to plan around.