Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dec 13, Dec 14, Dec 15

Dec 13

72 was down when we came in. It failed it's PC qual. The PC is supposed to read <50 particles on a clean, non-printed wafer. I was told the 1st PC read 1400 and the 2nd 400+. After 2 fails it needs to be put down to maintenance. No Maintenance guy from our shift worked on it. Not much more happened. I was working ash but it is sooo slooow. When I got hired I was doing 250 + track-outs a night. Even more if I was helping sink plus scope. I didn't even hit 100 this night.

Dec 14

Today when I scanned into the building before work, I was walking in the front doors past security, the security guy asked if I got my new badge. I say "New badge"? We got our new company badges early, but they are not active yet. So we basically have them to test our the new log in/out system. Just after I got handed my new badge, a tall man I've NEVER seen before is WAY too excited. He says, in no general direction, "Did you getcha new badge?" Since I've never seen him, I was sure he wasn't talking to me. So I walked into the locker room. When I got out, he was still there. He looked at me and asked again, this time I just replied "Yes" and kept on my way.

So far, so good. MMT seems to have stopped calling my name. Which is good, he was beginning to wear it out. Today my lead asked me to run 29sink. While I was relocating a cassette to a new shelf, I put down a second lot near me because I needed to do the same relocation to it and didn’t' want to walk all the way back to the back of the bay to get the second lot. A lady, the same that yelled at me about the priority lots a few weeks ago, was standing in the main hallway... watching me... The second I put the lot down the lot, she yelled at me again. This time it was for putting the second lot on a table. She yells "You can't use that table! Can't you see the red and white tape, you can't use it!" I said "Oh, I didn’t' know, no one told me. Thanks." I don't even know this lady name and she's yelled at me twice now, what the heck?! Either way, I thought maybe I did something to her. Maybe it's because I'm pale white and she's pitch black. Maybe she's got a stick surgically implanted in her butt? I talked to B5AN. He said It's the last one with the stick, he said she's always mad. FUN.

1/2 of 72 was still down. I guess maintenance doesn't know what's wrong and they just keep passing it to the next shift.

Dec 15

72 still down! At least the next shift is D2/N2. Maybe they'll either fix it or fix it with a hammer and throw it out back. Our sink is acting up today. It keeps giving off, "tank not full" or not filling in programmed time errors. It was down for nearly 3 hours. Work for it piled up! (update: 1/29/16, the sink no longer has these errors, for now. I guess they did actually look into the error of the shutdown and fixed it) Work in general really doesn't feel slower, it feels busy. But for sure it is slowing down a lot. I guess this is the final dash to get everything out by the end of the week before shut down. I sent a message to the D2 Super requesting overtime again. But I don't think I'll hear anything so I've started making plans for this weekend. I'll have to let the people know that I may have to cancel last minute if I get called in to work. I really hope I get called! (update: 1/29/16, I didnt get called). I would really like the money because I'm not getting paid for the 2 week shut down because I'm still temp status. I did get an official email saying the temps are being kept and transferred to the new company, so one less thing to worry about. Yay! Today my Super asked me to join the start up team on Jan 2nd, so I'm getting a full shift of overtime! That first week back is my shifts long week so 12 hours overtime! Heck yea! (update: 1/29/16) it turned out to only be 6 more hours of overtime because sat from 5:40p-12a ends up on one check and 12:01a-6a ends up on the other).

It's nearly 2:30am and 3 more tools went down . 72 is back down, it was up for less than an hour. 24 went down and 36 ash went down. Fortunately unlike the sink, none of them have alarms that BLARE until maintenance comes by.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows by now how awesome I am. I found a lot that was misplaced and lost for over 100 hours! It only took me 5 minute of research to figure out what that person was thinking. It was on the shelf I would have put it on if I was following the same logically as the person who misplaced it. They just didn't relocate it. Another temp got fired on Sunday and I found his notebook today. Finders keepers...he's not using it anymore. :)