Nov 10th
Again this week I forgot it was Tuesday. I was also disappointed to find out it is the long week. How could I forget?? Where has my mind been??
Came into work in my “this morning” to find out 2 ashers were down. 36 due to a gas leak and 53 due to it breaking a wafer in the machine. Unknown how the machine managed to break the wafer without human interference, but it did and a 3rd was going down because our weekly task qual was due on 50 ash. So I had the first 3 hours of the day with 3 of 6 ashers.
Thankfully work has slowed down due to the company being bought out and switching management come the first of the year. Which no one can still answer if I’ll have a job.
Basically i work for a temp company, not "the company." The New company is buying out "the company," but may not take over the contract for temp company. Everyone working for "the company" is getting an offer letter for the New company. I’m not working for "the company" I’m working for temp company. I asked my super when "the company" is doing another round of hiring/ switch over of temp company employees to full time at "the company, and he responded with "after the first of the year"... Which could mean they will have no temps to switch over because as of yet the New company hasn't signed the contact with the temp company. So the temps (including me) are still worrying about if the will have a job in 1.5 months or not... (edit: the temps got an email for the director of payroll Dec 11th stating that the New company did decide to sign the contract and keep the temp employees, and my lead is pushing my super to hire me on full time under the New company "officially" as soon as we get back from the shutdown... which spoilers sweetie...)
In other news my coworker in 11D and only other Doctor Who fan at work thinks I’ve only been here 2 months and I’ve told him it’s been 4 and his mind exploded. We work in a clean room so we had to call someone to pick it up.
And to end my night, I ran my car really hard into a curb and messed it up… messed it up really really good. So I’m out of a car for at least 2 weeks.
(edit: Ended up being 3, but its all fixed up now)