Sunday, May 2, 2010

research paper...

aaaahhh... its so boring! i cant stay focused on it long enough to get a thought together..
Its going to be realllllly bad! But whatever.... as long as it doesnt fail me i dont care how it turns out

concert today 530pm-12am

lee ann womack sang but we missed everything but the last two songs.
one of them being ashes by now.

Reba sang:
cant get the blues.
lights went out in Georgia
i'll have what shes havin
letting go.
i keep on lovin you
nothin to lose
somebody should leave
world doesnt stop for my broken heart
Because Of You
i've know about you for a while now. (lee ann came out to do the "other woman" part awesome!)
i wanna cowboy?
the greatest man ive ever known
consider me gone!
Survivor (Melissa (?), blonde, coworker from the Reba show came out and sang this one with her)
Life out there

George Straight sang:
check yes or no
leave you with a smile
my chair
give it away

and others, but my phone was dying so i could get the others songs.

also TOTALLY saw Sarah there!!!!! I miss her so much i havent seen her since December 26th... We've been trying to plan things but everything is falling thu. :(
She might go to my graduation...