Thursday, April 22, 2010

today so far

we got Tigger (my sisters obnoxious dog) a correctional collar. it beeps at him.
he only wears it outside, because we're trying to get him to stop barking. we tested it on the table to make sure it worked.. and it did.
Then we had to adjust it to his super smaaaalll neck.

Next we might get a spray collar for my cat to stop begging and meowing at us to feed him when he has an Automatic feeder!
(j/k) :)


OH MY lesbian?

I just found out today that my sisters roommate is a lesbian!

Dont get me wrong. There isnt anything wrong with it.. but MAN she gives off NO signs of it.

This all came up when she was talking to my sister about one of her friends doing something stupid.
Then i jokingly said "haha, having boyfriend issues?" (because just last week she was talking about her ex boyfriend from high school)
and she said no.
Then my sister comes out of left field and says "shes gay!"

my face must have dropped to the floor, cuz they both gave me a funny look..
So i said "whhaa? You're a lesbian??"
she said yes.

but wow.... i've know here for about two years now, and never knew that... So you learn something new everyday!

She's a great person though, so it doesnt change the way i think of her, but wowow.. I just didnt know.

Oh and that scratch from the post before actually looks a lot worse then how the picture hows it.