fill in later. so much happened.
Our day started at 11am. :) WhiteMM and I both woke up before our alarms went off.
I texted Super Saiyan and his mom and WhiteMM texted GB...
Super Saiyans mom was makign them breakfast and invited WhiteMM and I over. Then she told the boys that she invited us over, and we didnt want her to tell.. GB thought he was being a smart person (somehow) by telling WhiteMM that he forbade us to go over to the house.... Which only made us want to go. hahaha. BACKFIRE!
we got there around 1230. i didnt eat the breakfast because i dont eat the kind of food she made. i had a croissant and a bunch of grapes. WhiteMM ate grapes because we were going to chilies for Lunch with Bluest Eyes.
We went back to my house so that WhiteMM could leave her car at my house, i could get my contacts, and then we left to Chilies.
We got there before Bluest Eyes, but that was good because we got our name on the list for a table. so she got there and i sent her a text of who was who wearing what so she had a clue before she got there.
We all introduced ourselves anyway.
WhiteMM and i shared a dish because we went that hungry. for some reason all of our food came with corn on the cob, which none of us ate, but Super Saiyan had the greatest idea of dropping it on his pants.. hahaha
after that we went bowling. our names were Super Saiyan, Bunny mole, Sol, and Inbetween. the first game, we won in that order. In the second game the names were still in that order, but we won in the order of Super Saiyan (breaking 150) then Sol, with 120 ish, Inbetween with just barely over 100, and i was dead last not even getting over 90.
after bowling we want back to my house and played Monopoly. WhiteMM won.. she made good deals and bankrupted the boys. I was a bad sort and cleared the board. then we played BS for a while, then Old maid, and after that we watched Disturbia. then we all started falling asleep again. WhiteMM ran out of the room.. She remembered something, so i followed her out of the room and into the bathroom to see what was the matter. We both were really tired, so she wanted the boys to leave so i got back into the room, and said they needed to get out of my house, they said okay. They didnt know what was wrong but they figured something was up. I told them we were tired and they didnt ask questions. Super Saiyan took GB home. We both texted our boys after they left saying that it wasnt anything they did, she just remembered something she wish she hadnt and it made her sad, and they understood.
It was 4ish am.. sleep time. :)
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