Sunday, April 25, 2010


I dont want to do my work. I've done the study guild and the some of the research for the paper.. But i havent done any questions yet.

I think I'll take a break from the crappy paper, and do the questions for the other lit class.


my mom reads my blog as well.
she called me (on the phone) to tell me to come downstairs and then started picking apart who was who in my blog. she only guessed at three, and got them all right. :)

Super Saiyan, Bluest Eyes, and Supawife. (she knows who you guys are) :)
And Super Saiyan I explained your name to my dad and he just started laughin, he loves it. :)

Alrighty, working on my paper now.... and my questions... and a study guide... :S


Sisters birthday went well. this year there wasnt a fight on the birthday so i say yeah!
we went to acadianas. yummy. i had catfish.
last time i was there... was.... that tension filled night. bleh!

Bluest Eyes made a blog and had her first post today, spun-off the idea of my blog. someone thought i had a good idea for once. :)
i hope its a good place for her to tell the internet how she feels. its a great place to vent as well! :)
super saiyan and i are making movie lists that the other has to watch this summer.

i actually ran out of things to talk about today.. which is a first... something better happen to me tomorrow for me to talk about...

i have a few things to do tomorrow that i've been putting off. cal 1, emailing my amer lit I teacher. doing a paper for brit lit, and doing 100 questions for amer lit II.

i got a confusing text today but i'm just going to drop it... i dont want to ask know.

talked to x for a while. nothing new going on there.

th-th-tha-th-thats all folks!!

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