Friday, April 30, 2010

Bluest Eyes

"break is too often code for breaking up. I knew that pre[]; just seemed to forget it when I was with him. people change and stuff happens. [..] and sometimes, people are never who you thought they were." ~Bluest Eyes

Okay i like this a lot. because in my mind "breaks" dont happen.. how is that logical??

say you get married.. you get in a fight... then she wants a break??? how does that happen....

breaks are just a way to avoid issues and forget problems. you cant go on a "break" then come back and pretend like everything is all cool again.. you dont get a clean slate when you're still together without being together.

a break in a marriage, is a separation.. to many separations lead to divorce... and thats why the divorce rate is 50% ... too young, too many problems, too many avoidance.
who ever thought of a break? who ever thought it was a good idea??
whoever the first person was, they should be shot in the knee... for such a stupid idea.

PAIN - thats the only thing that comes from breaks. its not a good thing...

bears, princess dolls? which do i obsess over more?

I'm only missing two dolls.... i think i'll go get them next weekend.
i'm not 6 anymore so i'll never open these dolls.. but i like 'em.
i'll keep then good as long as i can. :)

nothing.... but so much!

Today was fairly boring compared to the last few days.

I'm glad i dont have a job though... :)

i still need to finish up my research paper... which sucks.. i hate it already.. it has got the be the worst one i've done in a LONG time..... its awful.. But whatever I will finish it up tonight. Look over it again tomorrow before the concert... and then have my dad read over it Sunday to make sure it sounds all logical.... then turn it in Monday..

And between all that i have to write down all the formulas we have used in Cal 1 for my cheat-sheet (with no examples)... and thats going to be my exciting weekend.. :)

i really need to clean up my room and really throw away a ton of shiz to make room for the re-organizing i want to do....

i also need like 10 binder sized 15-25 pages in them of picture albums... I found a ton of pictures that i want to separate out and put into books... or throw away..

MOTIVATION... (and help) is all i need...

OH and i need to organize my coins too... (i know.. lame but whatever i like 'um!!!~)

such a big to-do list, with no money and no time!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Town

isnt happy...

but who didnt know that???

Anyway.. it was kind of lame up until the last 2 minutes of the show... but i dont think it'll last the season.. its going to get lower ratings and ABC is going to pull the plug on it..

(im still laughing at that cat picture... it really was the funniest thing since Super Saiyan laughing at my "whhaaaa" face to the twilight of the earth and moon.. hahaha)

Cat.... hahahaha

i'm laughing so hard i literally cant breathe. hahahahahahahaha.
my cat does this ALL the time!!!!!!

this made me laugh so hard no joke!
in tears i'm laughing so hard.


arnt these the strangest looking glasses..... lame!


greener?? those look pretty pink to me!


your stuff.
my stuff.
the stuff you gave me.

I'm sure I'll find more of it around my room. Dont be sorry for any of it. it was all nice stuff but now its just s constant reminder. and i already told you that if you broke up with me there would be no reminders. no memories. nothing. So i'm sticking to that best i can, give or take here and there...

If i find more, i'll let you know... and instead of what i did today by just giving it to you, i'll ask if you want it..
And if you say no, well.... I'm not keeping it. I may go and give it to the little girl next door (who isnt little anymore, which freaks me out), if not trash comes every Wednesday.

and if you have any stuffs that i gave you that you dont want, i already told you i'd take them back.. I'll still take them back.

Stop saying sorry to me!! This is what happens when break-ups go to shiz.
looking back, it was coming. its been coming for a LONG time. i just didnt want it to. Its fine. I'm fine. I'm not sorry, i wont ever be sorry for us.

its just stuff now. no sentimental value...
not like dog chains.

the e-stuff i gave you today, x, i had to have my sister delete it off my computer and out of the trash because i actually couldnt do it. that only thing i havent been able to part with so far... But it is gone now. :|

So far thats my day... I need to go to the bank.. :| and i need to talk to a counselor at the school about what the f to do next...

sorry part 2 / i love my mum!

i can say, saying sorry is stupid and pointless. but when it comes to super saiyan and I talking i always manage to say sorry to him..
fortunately he is catching me most of the time and telling me to stop. hahaha

other news:
my mom knows most of the names i use on her now. she knows them so well she gets confused on who i'm talking about.. so i'm using the made up names in real life. hahaha.. isnt it awesome! :)
i love my mum.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

19apr10 0017am

[a1989peanut] I'm so sorry. I was never a good boyfriend, I was never a good person to you. I never showed you the love and respect you deserved. I'm sorry.


Why do people say sorry?
why is sorry the word people are programed with when something awful happens?
no one is ever actually sorry. and if they are, they shouldnt be..
sorry is a thing of the past, why be sorry at something that is already done????
There is no point. It doesnt make anyone feel better, and if it does it really shouldnt. there is no point to the word sorry.

"my aunt died"--"oh i'm sorry"--"why? you didnt do anything..."

if a kid hits another kid, they MEANT to hit the kid!! dont make them say sorry for it, they arent sorry, they wanted to cause that kid pain for one reason or another.

my dad

finds the funniest cat photos ever!!
my cat has never looked this bad but her loves playing with those peanuts!!

inbox deleted

inbox clean up.
i've been meaning to do it since December. but havent found time.
well time has fallen into my lap recently and i've been emailing myself the texts that where locked from deleting.
116 messages saved in an inbox that can hold 264.
down to 3. :)
so i can hold so many more messages now before having to delete..
before it was ever 2 or 3 days.. now i bet i can go a week before needing to delete messages. :)
yay me.. :)

hell teacher

i'm finally done with her class!!!!!!!
now i just have 3 more hours with her, Monday at 5 is the final!
today we did this stupid survey of the class and teacher.
the teacher get the survey back, so i was honest on it, but changed up my handwriting so she couldn't place it on me.
i let her know that it was by far the worse class i have ever taken, and it was because of the teacher.
the school admins get a copy of it too, so i let them know as well all of the bad things, and couldn't think of one good thing to say.
there is one questions that says
"if this teacher was teaching another class, would you take them again?"
a) definitely yes
b) most likely
c) undecided
d) probably not
e) under no circumstances.
i couldnt make 'e' any darker unless i had a permanent marker!
15 kids in the class 12 marked e.
none of us talked together about it.. but we the 12 of us also gave her an f as a teacher, and an f for the way she taught the class.
the final is going to saaaaaauck!

gggaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! its over!

my window where the bird hit

do you see it?
bird oil and feathers..
super gross!
i hope it rains soon to get it off.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My cat...

He threw the funniest kitty fit in the world!!

We have this harness that we put on him when we take him outside (on a leash - that he is getting better at walking it). and he got behind out bushes, so i started tugging, softly, on the leash for him to get out of the bushes, and he just flopped over to his side like he was playing dead and would not move..

it was like he was saying "ha, now you'll have to pull me..." good thing he's only ten pounds.. haha! so i started to tug him out, he slid pretty easily, and he was growling at me... it was so cute.

When i get him close to the edge, i picked him up and he was so limp... we got in the house, and he just flopped over again. then he took off like crazy cat and dashed across the house, then upstairs.

I did laundry yesterday, and got around to folding it today.

Oh and i was watching Dancing with the Stars, and a BIRD flew into my window!!!!
A BIRD! now there is a spot on my window of bird oil and feathers.
In a place that cant really be washed off... It did fly away though, so it is still alive for now.. :s


And i've had the hiccups allllll day!
its driving me insane!

and i hope either one of two things happen before may 14th.... either she gets her act straight and stops being stupid, or she doesnt go.... cuz once she finds out I'm going up with your parental units shes going to flip a gasket, and ruin the fun of being up there... Just sayin

Monday, April 26, 2010

going crazy. finals next week

I took a picture of this red dot on my finger thats been there for a long time, but not since i was bore.. it just showed up one day, and hasnt gone away.
but i took the picture and for some reason my phone saved the picture upside-down... so i this is how it saved it, but its not how i took the picture...

other news:
i'm liking Bluest Eyes' blog. i can relate to it a lot so far.
the only difference i.m seeing so far is that her relationship with 'CB' was a year and a half and mine was almost four..
good thing from that:
she didnt waste as much of her life as i did on something that seemed good but doomed from the start. (no offense Bluest Eyes)

my first class was canceled which pissed me off cuz today was the due date of the rough draft on the research paper.. and i spent all that time on nothing cuz her kids were sick and she didnt come to class.

I'm sitting in the worse class ever right now...
but thats all that has happened today so far.
cant wait for classes to end Wednesday!

Really?? Really??

inconsiderate people piss me off!

I'm sitting in a computer lab typing un the questions i did yesterday. and this
A$$-H0le sits behind me and starts BLARING music. He is listening to an iPod, and has head phones in and I can hear EVERY word and beat of the music he is listening to.. WTF??

i swear it cant be any louder, and everyone around us just turned around and looked at him, and he didnt get the hint.. How Rude!

and its not even good music.... so its just annoying me more and more, but i dont want to get up and move, because the computer lab is really small, and never has enough computers, i was fortunate to get this one when i did.


Sunday, April 25, 2010


I dont want to do my work. I've done the study guild and the some of the research for the paper.. But i havent done any questions yet.

I think I'll take a break from the crappy paper, and do the questions for the other lit class.


my mom reads my blog as well.
she called me (on the phone) to tell me to come downstairs and then started picking apart who was who in my blog. she only guessed at three, and got them all right. :)

Super Saiyan, Bluest Eyes, and Supawife. (she knows who you guys are) :)
And Super Saiyan I explained your name to my dad and he just started laughin, he loves it. :)

Alrighty, working on my paper now.... and my questions... and a study guide... :S


Sisters birthday went well. this year there wasnt a fight on the birthday so i say yeah!
we went to acadianas. yummy. i had catfish.
last time i was there... was.... that tension filled night. bleh!

Bluest Eyes made a blog and had her first post today, spun-off the idea of my blog. someone thought i had a good idea for once. :)
i hope its a good place for her to tell the internet how she feels. its a great place to vent as well! :)
super saiyan and i are making movie lists that the other has to watch this summer.

i actually ran out of things to talk about today.. which is a first... something better happen to me tomorrow for me to talk about...

i have a few things to do tomorrow that i've been putting off. cal 1, emailing my amer lit I teacher. doing a paper for brit lit, and doing 100 questions for amer lit II.

i got a confusing text today but i'm just going to drop it... i dont want to ask know.

talked to x for a while. nothing new going on there.

th-th-tha-th-thats all folks!!

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dylan’s a ‘fake’
(link not in title)

i thought it was going to be a cool bashing story on bob dylan. instead it was some other singer who is mad that shes being compared to bob dyaln.. (i dont blame her though i would be mad as well... he's awful!)

Unrelated to the rant:

Star of Dexter, Michael C. Hall survived cancer. i didn't even know he had it.. that must be why they took song long between season 4 and season 5.

hahaha! her hair in the picture makes up for the loss of his hair!

today, today, today.

today is my sisters birthday. she is 22. i reminded my dad of that yesterday and it dawned on him that my sister is half his age.... he felt old.

we are going out tonight to Acadiana's.

I should do my homework......
Yep I should....
(also in title)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cat scratch

this is what it looks like now

conclusion - Super Saiyan

i have come to the conclusion - SUPER SAIYAN - that unless your gf is in toe with you everywhere you go with me this summer i AM going to hit you. :)
not slap you, so no face involved. But i will hit you...

So be on guard!! Its going to happen!

And since you'll get around to reading this eventually Whats your moms email address or phone number so i can ask her about hitching a ride to your graduation.
(i would prefer an email address - i'm not a big talker on the phone - unless she texts)


yep. there were sex(ish) scenes

Day 4-22

Super Saiyan is passing up my other friends in what he knows about me.
i wish there were more of his type out in the world. everyone needs a best friend like him. :)

movie of the night:
Couples Retreat.

hopefully it doesnt have any sex in it... those movies happened to find me when i want to watch a moive..

my day:
i found out that i could fail my cal 1 final and still pass the class!!!! awesome-ness!
but i'm going to try to do better that fail it.. :p

x took me to the school to talk to my teach then took me home. ...

other than that I did NOTHING all day... this nothing all day feels so wrong and so goooood. :)

my sisters birthday is this saturday. :s
turning ...2.....2 i think.
2010-1988 = 22 right?

yea it does. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

today so far

we got Tigger (my sisters obnoxious dog) a correctional collar. it beeps at him.
he only wears it outside, because we're trying to get him to stop barking. we tested it on the table to make sure it worked.. and it did.
Then we had to adjust it to his super smaaaalll neck.

Next we might get a spray collar for my cat to stop begging and meowing at us to feed him when he has an Automatic feeder!
(j/k) :)


OH MY lesbian?

I just found out today that my sisters roommate is a lesbian!

Dont get me wrong. There isnt anything wrong with it.. but MAN she gives off NO signs of it.

This all came up when she was talking to my sister about one of her friends doing something stupid.
Then i jokingly said "haha, having boyfriend issues?" (because just last week she was talking about her ex boyfriend from high school)
and she said no.
Then my sister comes out of left field and says "shes gay!"

my face must have dropped to the floor, cuz they both gave me a funny look..
So i said "whhaa? You're a lesbian??"
she said yes.

but wow.... i've know here for about two years now, and never knew that... So you learn something new everyday!

She's a great person though, so it doesnt change the way i think of her, but wowow.. I just didnt know.

Oh and that scratch from the post before actually looks a lot worse then how the picture hows it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

cat/video/something else

The top one is something my dad sent me.
The bottom this is Supawifes cat eating caramel! Supa cute Supawife! :D

The rest of my day. So the evil teacher from hell (American Lit I) gave back our tests today.. after saying that no one failed she gave me back a 68.. Last I checked thats failing??
There were two colors on the test red and black. the red was the first time through the test and the black was the second time.
Then first time I got an 85. and the over it in black i got a 68.

The f*ing questions were opinionated questions!? Last i checked you cant say my OPINION is wrong!?
"How did this story make you feel? how can you relate it to your life"
This story didnt make me feel anything, and the thing that happened in this story have no relation to my life, i've not even heard of things like that before i read this story"

Then i asked her a question on the back of the test, asking what my grade was in the class, and what grade i needed to make on the final to get an A, B or C in the class. and her response (AND I QUOTE):
"You're joking! This test is an F. This test reflects little motivation and study! You have to read, enjoy, and pass tests with high scores."

Last I checked that is NOT what i asked!
And i sure as hell dont have to "ENJOY" your class, you're an awful teacher! You make me HATE English classes, and its my second major.


and to end my day, my neighbors Outdoor cat scratched me. Had to poor alcohol on it, because i dont want any outside diseases getting to my cat. I also dont want to get "cat scratch fever" That's just top my week off..

My day yesterday (11p-2a)

Super Saiyan and I were talking about how many J names there are in the bible.. and there are a lot! and then how were could each only think of one girl name Mary. how lame!
and way he said WhiteMM was talkin about my eyes to him, and i guess she thinks they're pretty... and they are!
but he wanted to see for himself, so his best option (he thought) would have been to just get up in my face and look.
i sent him a picture instead as he would have had to wait til the end of May to see, and i would have hit him for getting up in my face with out asking...
he doesnt think i would have hit him. he thinks 'i dont have it in me' ... hahaha
just ask bunches i slapped him once, and then we were best friends.. haha.
i'm not scared to hit guys...

but either way i think he would have forgotten to ask about it in May.. haha.

(correct me if i'm wrong :) ... )

research paper..... i dont wanna do it!
i dislike research papers.. i can do any other kind of paper, but research papers suck.

well i have one due next week, that we've had for about two weeks already, that i havent started and my teacher thought it would be a great idea to have a peer day monday.. so yeah! i get to pull together a bs paper by sunday night. :)
it wont be a problem since i'm really good at writing almost all kinds of papers... i'm just feeling extra lazy at the end of this semester and dont want to do it. oh well... :|

now i cant even have the excuse of work, because i dont have a job, and i'm not looking for one.... which i should to earn money to go to vegas.... but not looking currently.

waiting for my third class to start, hopefully we get our test back today. :) i hope i passed.

(i'll have to look over this post again when i get home to connect the ideas better, this one is the best word vomit i've done ever.... ) it might change some, check back. :)

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

j/k? this one is?

My counter is wrong somehow...

it tells me on my dashboard before the last post that i had 99, then it said "101 Posts, last published on Apr 20, 2010" after i posted it, but when i look at the break down i only have 99..... whhhhaaaaaaa??

So this uneventful one should be the 100th one according to the break down.

so in conclusion... i have two blogs here that are not here, that dont exist...

100th blog post!

So my day today was actually pretty boring!

I talked to Bluest Eyes, Super Saiyan, WhiteMM, and Bunches today.

I went with my mom and dad to their lawyer this morning to talk to her about the guardianship papers.

everyone is doing good... for the most part. :)

someone bought 2 items off my amazon account so i made 12 bucks today. :)
which is good because i don't have a job anymore, so people buying things from me is always a good thing. :)

and because i dont have a job, I stayed home ALL day today. and did NOTHING (productive). I caught up on a few of the shows i watch. I think i dont want to watch at least 4 that i use to.. they just arnt interesting anymore. And i've missed so many of them some arent even posted on line any more, so i would be missing a chunk of the story line.

i had a bachelor style dream. It was fun, but weird and creepy at the same time. I couldn't control the position or situation that i was in, so i didnt like it. i didnt know what to do...... and my mom woke me up before the end of the dream. So i will never (hopefully never) know how it ends. i dont think i'd like the ending, and i would for sure tell the other person the weirdness of my dream... :?

we'll see whose laughing when all is said and done. !! Meanie!



i could see my cat doing this, if this was ever an opportunity that would be presented to him

consider me gone

(link - youtube - on dancing with the stars.)

cuz if this song isnt exactly how it ended... i dont know how else to explain it.

I love her voice. she is a really good country singer. :) *love*

Verse: 1
Every time i turn the conversation to something deeper than the weather i can feel you all but shuttin' down.
And when i need an explanation for the silence you just tell me you don't wanna talk about it now.

Bridge: 1
What you're not saying is coming in loud and clear we're at a crossroads here...

If i'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose
If i'm not that arrow to the heart of you
If you don't get drunk on my kiss
If you think you can do better than this then i guess we're done
Let's not drag this on
Consider me gone

Verse 2:
With you i've always been wide open like a window or an ocean. there is nothing i've ever tried to hide.
So when you leave with me not knowin' where you're goin' i start thinkin' that we're lookin' we're lookin' at goodbye.

Bridge 2:
How about a strong shot of honesty don't you owe that to me...

If i'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose
If i'm not that arrow to the heart of you
If you don't get drunk on my kiss
If you think you can do better than this then i guess we're done
Let's not drag this on
Consider me gone.

Consider me a memory.
Consider me the past.
Consider me a smile in an old photograph someone who used to make you laugh.

If i'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose
If i'm not that arrow to the heart of you
Then i guess we're done let's not drag this on.
Consider me gone.
Consider me gone.
Consider me gone.
Just consider me gone.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The rest of the day

The rest of the day went fine.

American Lit I
took a test in the American Lit class.. I'm sure i failed. I hate how the 'essay' questions never have enough space to be an essay, and they are worded strangly, but basically saying "what is your opinion on....." or how did (this story) make you feel?"
Then she takes off points... which is GAY!! No teacher should ever ask opinionated questions or feeling questions...

'We' arnt you! we are not feeling what you are about the story, and we sure as heck dont have the same opinion on it! how can you take off points on those types of questions??

Thats my rant on that class..

we had a take home part of the test, that i was sure i was going to fail because i didnt know what to do on one of the three questions...

And i didnt!! I got an 81!?!?! Frickin sweet!
and today was the second part of the test, the in class portion... which will be averaged in with the take home part. I hope i didnt mess up to badly on the in class one.
there was one question that tripped me up, and after the test we did something similar to it... and it dawned on me that i didnt FACTOR the one that i was tripped up on... so i totally go it wrong!
hopefully she looks at the step up we use to get to the answer rather than the answer its self... i know the answer is right, and the set up is as well.. just the numbers in the set up are wrong.

I'll find out on Wednesday for sure (i hope)

I only have two more weeks of lecture, then finals!!!!!
three more weeks of this semester.. :s

Oh and during the break between my first test and second test i talked to Bluest Eyes. -> this has nothing to do with her name, or her eyes actually.. its a song (bluest eyes in Texas) and for some reason i think of only her when i hear that song.. she really doesnt have blue eyes at all.. I'm not even sure she likes the color blue.

Thats all that happened to me on my exciting Monday; off to catch up on some shows i like now.

Lovin' my shoes. :)

I'm out of the flip-flop stage, i dont wear tehm at all, which sucsk because i have about 15 pairs of them...

the only thing i hate about shoes!!
if only there was a way to keep the tongue in the right place.

i have two tests today. both of them are going to suck.
one is in the American Lit I class that sucks.
everyone is going to fail.

and the other one is in cal 1... :s

in other news;
x said 'sorry' today.. he took less time then the ex before him.
ex took 4 years to say sorry.
x only took 3 weeks.. way to go (sarcastically)

i dont understand why people feel they need to say sorry... i guess it makes sense, and the person saying sorry feels better... i guess,.. but i still dont see a point.
it doesnt make me feel anything. thanks?... :) (not sarcastically)

i'm not sorry for anything. i wish i didnt do some things that i did, almost regret doing them, but not sorry.
i hate Mondays so much! and looked back (just cuz) to the day i was born. it was on a Monday!!! how insane..

my Monday is almost over, and thats what mattered to me today. (so far)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Is super great!!!

Went to a free concert at SeaWorld San Antonio tonight, and only went because Pat Benatar was going to be there!!

and it was amazing!!!!

I went with my mom, and told supawife about it.
So she buged her husband, and they both went. We got reallllly good seats considering everyone just sort of herded in. And you could only get in if you had the wrist band.

I found out some things about her songs that i didnt know.
Like the one "Hell is for children" (my favorite by her) was mad in the 80's while they were in New York, and reading a serious of articles about child abuse. and her band was affected by it so they all wrote down how they felt about it, and gave their words to (some guy) and that guy made them into the song.

She HATES her song "hit me with your best shot"
he husband wrote "we belong" for her
her song "invincible" was put into "the worst movie ever" (billy jean) (as she says)

i was recording some of it, and taking a lot of pictures!!! I was told by 5 different cops to put away the video camera ... but funny enough they told me to put it away while i was taking pictures.. hahaha! I recorded Hell is for Children, but might have ruined it at the same time, because i was singing, and i had the video viewer closed so i might have moved it a few times.. I know it unfocused once.
When i was recording once, supawifes husband told the cop i was taking pictures.. he became a cool guy in my books when he did that.. :)

Thanks! :)

Listening to the ACM awards right now, and Darius Rucker has the SEXIEST country voice ever... but the worse voice in Hootie & the Blowfish. (there is a BIG difference between the way he sings for both)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

lame-o internet

i was just about to post my day and my internet crapped out.
my day. got up early to go to the bank only to find out the Ellison was flooded out. so mom and i were reversing) the wrong way down a one way street.... fun! fortunately no one was behind us. and we got to a turn around place and just went home.
we watched Sherlock homes and then tried it again. we were able to go out the second time. so we went to my brothers bank, them to mine, then to target where they had sample Saturday... as i was collecting the samples one of the ladies stopped me and asked my age. i told her 20... and she thought i was 14 or 15! how rude(jar-jar binks style)!
the office had an after tax season office party at Rudys. that was a blast!
then got home and caught up on some of my 'shows' so all-in-all good day. :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

horrible day... eeww >:P

so those ugly beetles i have been talking about... i hate them so much more now.

At work today we were packing up the office, (official last day -- until December)
and one of those beetles was walking around the office... and it disappeared for about 30 minutes.
i was sitting on the floor packing the client folders into boxes and i saw something move out of the corner of my eye (can you Tell where this is going?) THAT NASTY BEETLE WAS TRYING TO CRAWL UP MY LEG!!!@@#$%#^%$(**&^%$#RTGJK(*^&%$ED

And i Screamed (muffled- because there was a client in the office)
my boss picked it up!! she's a crazy boss lady!
and then i got about 15 paper cuts from picking and and pushing around papers, so my hands hurt. :(
and one of the pros didn't staple the a folder together right and a staple 'bit' me; it took a nice bit of flesh out of my thumb... I'm missing part of my fingerprint.

other than that... nothing really happened, i'm turning in that the take home part of the tomorrow; the other half is in class monday (i really hope i dont fail this class... I wont know what to do if i fail.

(LINK of ulgy clicking beetle in the title) eeewwww *shudders*

Thursday, April 15, 2010

i find myself liking more rap songs damn those catchy tunes

If you fall for me
I'm not easy to please
Imma tear you apart
Told you from the start,
Baby from the start.

I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya heart. (also in title)

My day...
Nothing happened... I have a 'take home' test due tomorrow... but i dont go to school tomorrow so i didnt know how to turn it in.. But i'm going to scan it in for her.

i went to work, its the last day to do your taxes... but my office is going to be open tomorrow for close up, fixing rejects, and giving out peoples checks.

found out that two of my best friends went to the same school for middle school, were in the same band, and have no idea who each other are.. (i think they do it was just so long ago...) :)

Other than that my day was pretty uneventful.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kissing facts

I like the last one best.
its a 'slide show' so i'm not going to copy and paste it.

click the title. :)

mr. next to mr. right yahoo dating 101 (link)

And i found The John Tesh show online so i can listen or read all of his "intelligence for you life" things. :)

I read this back when it was first posted.

Think your Mr. Next has the potential to be Mr. Right? Before you leap without looking, take an honest inventory. See how many of the following five essential traits he possesses.

Dating Trait #1: He listens to you
The best way to know if Mr. Next is interested in (and worthy of) being a candidate for Mr. Right? He listens to you. You'll know he's listening when he shows genuine concern, consistently remembers things you've told him (your birthday, favorite food, best friend's name, etc.), and offers emotional support in honest and thoughtful ways.

Dating Trait #2: He connects with you easily
We've all been in those relationships that take W-O-R-K (and suck the life force out of us in the process). When a relationship works on its own, it feels effortless, easy, and fluid. You don't have to force anything, forgive anyone, or turn a blind eye to red flags or gut-twisters. Instead, you communicate and collaborate with comfort, compatibility, and undeniable chemistry. If and when you experience this kind of interaction, you are on to something really special.

Dating Trait #3: He wants the real you
So often, women feel the need to sacrifice some part of themselves to make a relationship work. In the right relationship, there's no need. You don't have to hide, tone down, or apologize for any aspect of you or your fabulous life. With the right partner, you're not only able to be yourself, but you're better able to be the best version of your most authentic self -- no compromises needed.

Dating Trait #4: He's trustworthy
A relationship without trust is doomed from the start. But a relationship with abundant trust? A fabulous foundation for real and lasting love! Built over time, trust is based on the simple belief system that your partner has your best interests at heart and will never intentionally hurt you (and vice versa). If and when you discover that Mr. Next is 100 percent trustworthy, you'll have no trouble giving your heart to him. In return, he'll most likely give you his heart and pave the way for a lasting, loving relationship to unfold.

Dating Trait #5: He enriches your life
In the wrong relationship, your partner tears you to emotional shreds, brings you down, and in general drains your energy. In the right relationship, he enriches your life, inspires you to be your best self, and brings a sense of peace and possibility to you. You'll know Mr. Next is enriching your life if and when he encourages and supports you professionally, personally, and spiritually. And when he does, he may just be Mr. Right!

Does your Mr. Next possess all five qualities? If so, congratulations! You have done your homework, chosen wisely, and are now well positioned for relationship success.
If not, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back into the dating pool with a clearer understanding of who you want to date. Remember, finding your life partner isn't always easy, but by being clear, honoring yourself, and acting accordingly, you'll cut down on wasted time with Mr. Wrong and Mr. Next, and ultimately make room for Mr. Right.

8 Surprising Things You Need to Know About Men

click the title for the site

In "Clash of the Titans", Luke Evans wears gold body armor. But we got the British actor to shed his protective layer and reveal way more. Here, he spills eight guy secrets.

1. They Get Self-Conscious
"I'm just about to start filming a movie where I'm topless most of the film and I can tell you that yeah, we get self-conscious about our bodies! Most men have an insecurity of some sort. But we're brought up to believe that we can't show them."

2. They Think About Old Girlfriends
"You never get over an ex, but you learn to live with it. A friend told me that recently and I think it's a great phrase."

3. They Don't All Cheat ... But If They Do, There's a Reason
"Most guys have self-control and they could stop themselves. [So if it happens, it means] he might have lost sight of the reasons he fell in love with the person he's with."

4. They Like to Be Romantic
"Just the other week, I sang to a very close female friend. She almost cried. And I love to cook! I've impressed hundreds of women with my cooking. And they always come back for more."

5. They Have Platonic Girl Pals ... Sort Of
"Absolutely we can have female friends and not want to sleep with them. You dream about having sex with them, but you don't actually have sex with them."

6. They're Not Necessarily Capable of No-Strings-Attached Sex
"People would like to say a friend with benefits works, but in the long run it doesn't. We'd all love to have someone we can just hook up with a booty call but when you sleep with somebody, there's more to it. There are emotions."

7. They're Baffled by How Women Can Become Insta-Friends
"I'm always impressed how they can get on and talk about anything. You put them in a room together and they just talk. With men, it's harder to get into a conversation. We have to suss each other out first."

8. They Do Think About the Future
"In 10 years, I'd love to live near the sea, in a warmer climate. I could see myself with three dogs ... and it'd be great to share them with someone else."

Pulled a 'super saiyan'

hahaha this guy in my class just pulled a 'super saiyan'
we have a take home test, and he counted up the points to 80... green lantern and i looked at him strange and told him it actually is 100 points.. so he had to go back and count again.
green lantern said 'learn to count, man!'

Rain rain stay here!

Yep. its raining out. its suppose to be raining all week. :)
only bad thing about the rain is No One in Texas knows how to drive in the rain.

YES! I figured it out

I figured out how to link my post to whatever URL i'm talking about.

So if there is a link in the post click on the title of the post (or open in new tab) and it will take you to the link of the post.

I have also changed the archiving(sp) of the the posting (on the side) its by day of postings, under months.

and more posts are on the front page. It was just 7 because i thought i would forget about this, or only post once a day, but i'm much better than i thought i was going to be... and may be 'blogging' to much, since i can text in my blogs.. :)
its now up to the last 10 days of blogs on the front page.

saw x yesterday; he gave back the ring.
those are really bad glasses, even if we were still dating, i would say they are awful... because they are. They dont make you look like what you said they do.... they make your forehead and eyebrows more prominent.. and that looks reeeeallly bad.
whiteMM was talking to me about ring engravings, and Super Saiyan was talking to me about his book, and asking about my day.
supawife was talking to me about what bosslady was doing, about what classes i had today.

So three people decided to start texting me when x picked me up, and i almost got confused on who i was talking to what about.

oh and before i forget x if you are continually mentioned in my blog what would you like to go by so i dont use your name, or continue to just call you x/him... if you care... i guess you can text me.. I had something else to ask you, but i forgot.. I hope i remember it was sort of important... but i guess not to important.

Off to my last class of the day!

American Lit II

I think she is figure out that no one in the class is actually interested in her class anymore.

She asks us questions about the reading and no one answers, she asks if we read the reading, and no one answers (most of the class probably didnt read it)..
I know i've given up on reading anything in her class because she is so incredibly boring!
I dont even if i fail her class (which i wont) but i'm not reading anything else from her class, so if its on the test i'll just BS it.

We do have a test Monday, it was going to be today, but she changed the day... which sucks.... gaahhh!

we have 2 parts to the test.
part one is she gives us a bunch of quotes and we have to tell her which story its from, who the author is, and what the meaning of the quote is to the work as a whole.

and part two is essay style questions.... WHICH are the worse! because its not on "your opinion" its on hers, and hers change from person to person.

good thing; we get to use our books for the 'essay' questions this time unlike the other tests, but we cant use them for the quotes..... Like she'll know??~!!

She is an awful teacher!@#!@!
after each person turns in the test, she looks over it right then and there (not grades just scans) and makes faces at wrong answers and noises on wrong opinions... so she basically tells the entire class with out saying anything that you did really bad on your test.

and the test we're having Monday was voted on being in, so that we didnt have a cumulative final.. and shes giving us one anyway.
we were going to have to take it regardless, because she wanted to make a harder test to BRING DOWN the test average.

If you live in the San Antonio area, and go to northwest vista, and NEED an American Lit I class DO NOT TAKE MARY JEAN HODOR! She is down right the worse teacher!

childhood friend/SS/school

i've known this guy forever!! we use to live right next to each other in California, and when the base closed they went to Germany, and we moved to Texas...

we got updates once a year from them, and we gave them updates.

But my childhood friend, got married back in September on my moms birthday, and early this morning had a baby.

Childhood Friend -- "As of 140003APRIL2010, I have a heathy 7.5 lbs, 19 1/2 in long baby boy. He and his momma both performed exceptional when it counted. Happiest day of my life hands down." - facebook

now he's all grown up and with a family.... its insane.. it makes me realize how long i've known him, and how much we've actually grew up..

In other news, My Super Saiyan friend did a rough draft from one of his senior classes in college, and the rough draft is 65 pages long.....

The teacher said ROUGH DRAFT not BOOK! :p

Today is Wednesday, the 14th...

I convinced my first teacher of the day (Brit lit II) that i left my essay and response paper nine on the printer, when in fact they are not done yet.. I told her i would email them to her when i get home tonight, which will be around 845pm, but she doesnt know that, so i'll just have to be sure to email them to her before midnight, or have my sister drop them off in her office tomorrow sometime.

and my second class of the day was canceled (American lit II)... which was a bit weird because as i was going to class i ran into the teach (not literally) and asked her a few questions about a student she use to have and about the assignment that was due today. Another student also talked to her before class... and she said nothing to either of us about class being canceled.

I hope my third class in canceled.. I hate this next class so much! I hate going to it, i hate the way the teacher talks, and her style of teaching. i really dislike her awkward inappropriate jokes, and her tests. (which we have one today over Moby Dick) The tests never have anything on them about what we go over in class...

I have a take home 'test' from my cal 1 class that is due Friday for some reason. (we only have class MW, i dont go to school any other days (TRF)) I'm going to see if i can extend my deadline and turn it in next Monday because i dont have a ride anyway to school on Friday and i'm helping my boss pack up the office... so i want to work on it over the weekend.

my day is half over, but thats what going on in it so far. :)

Special way to waste money


I feel soo Special to be charged extra money for a class that i continue to fail.
(not me personally I've never failed a class more than once, excluding chem 1)

guy... whaaa?

same ring guy, just told me that he was going to go to the bathroom, and then just stood up and walked away...

people i dont know dont usually just tell me they have to go...

hahaha. i like this song

its called the rocky road to Dublin, by a group called the high kings
irish people are so adorable. i love they way they talk. :)

its on so if you want to listen

"the high kings, rocky road to Dublin"

Or click on the title of this blog

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

just saw

the preview to Eclipse....

looks interesting.. But i dont know if i care to see anymore of them.. the second one was only okay. it wasnt really outstanding.

And Victoria isnt even the same chick in the 3rd one.. how lame!

But I think no matter how much i do or do not want to see it i totally will go see it, midnight showing most defiantly with Super Saiyan friend... if we remember by June 30th.

no offense Super Saiyan Friend

i'm really starting to dislike how much people bring it up. but i dont think they're wrong. i'm not talking any differently to you then when we first met. nothing has changed. why does it all of a sudden matter that i'm single?

nothing against her and not for my own benefit, but i actually think you'd be happier if she just went away.

if she changes the things she is doing, i'd like her better and i'd want you two to work.. but .... people don't change...
i think she's trying to pull out.. but at least she's taking you feeling into consideration, and not just being the bad person.
but dragging you down wont help her cause and will just hurt more when its done.

please work out! i need to see that relationships do still work...
and if you dont heck we have the same taste in junk foods, we'll just have a marathon of dbz, and Amadeus playing on repeat.

hahaha. kk? :)

Tomrrow, Tomorrow. I'll..... no

Work is going to be awesome!
i predict it is going to be mega busy!!!

And i get to see Mrs Supawife one last time.
Tomorrow is her last day. She makes work more fun then it usually already is. :)

Thursday is every-ones last day of work..

if you havent figured it out already, I work at a tax place. :) and the 15th came up faster this year then it did last year.

But fortunately for me, i get one more day the the other front desk people i worked with, cuz i'm sure my boss likes me more. I get to help pack up the office and close it down until December 12th. YA-AY!!!

I also have an essay to write still. :s
Oh well I'll get it done. after work.
maybe even during, either way it needs to be done tomorrow. !!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

writing a poem for Americal Lit II

i was avoiding quite well the poem writing part of English.
now my American Lit II teacher out of the blue wants everyone to reflect and write a poem on our generation, and if we think we as individuals relate to it...
which sucks. out of everything in English poems are the worse!!
I hate basically everything about poems... and its due Wednesday.. Cuz thats totally enough time to do a poem!?!?!
it can be any type though, free style, couplets, rhyming, GAY!
oh wait thats not a choice.

I'll pay anyone 5 bucks to do it for me!!! seriously...

should i care?

i dont have your number anymore.
i deleted it, thats why i dont text. you didnt like it anyway... i'll text you back depending on what you send me. if its not a question i wont answer.
you read my emotions, you know whats going on in my day but you dont want to tell me about yours. 'its too soon'
its actually fine now. i actually dont have much care to know unless you just randomly say something.
i obviously wont ask anymore.
i do have your email address still. but i dont plan on sending you things.
moving on is easier than i thought. as long as i dont have to see you.

i do have to see you tomorrow...... i think from the time that has gone by it will be awkward seeing you now. and i hope its a long time still from the next meeting.
its monday again, butterflies are back.

i'm not phillip defranko
but thats what mattered to me on this monday (so far).

foot part 2

ignore the words. but thats what it ends up looking like.. -- depending on your hand.

babys foot

this is the easiest way to make a babys foot on a piece of paper.
its so cool!!!

no more free food

and this is when he figured out that his feeder was emptied.
he has an automatic feeder that drops a 1/4th of a cup of food ever 12 hrs. but after it dropped he would stick his paw up the shoot and steal the food from the next drop.
i tried to break him of it, but he's to smart.
so i emptied the next section of food. so tomorrow when it turns he gets nothing, and he'll have to work for it from now on. and what ever he doesnt get in the morning will droop and he can go after the next section that would have been his dinner.
i may be 'cruel' but i figure he was going to do it anyways might as well just let him.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

John Tesh is ..


Good with words.

he said tonight that if you are in a relationship "Nothing should be off limits"
i couldnt count the number of things that were "off limits" in my last relationship... so many things that couldnt be talked about for one reason or another...

I'm starting to see how horrible the relationship was for all these years. It was just down right (no offense) the worst.

I thought we were doing so well, but thats for two reasons at least..
But we weren't we never were good.

Damn my luck!
This pisses me off so much. And now i have to deal with butterflies for the next two days... Gaaaaaahhd!

sunday 11th

had work today.
and have to do an essay due tomorrow.

So other than that i think i'm doing okay.
i talked to my grandma about Jack, and the house for sell in my neighborhood.

Other than that I dont have any updates for today. nothing happened in my day.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Goodwill guy

this guy walked out of a goodwill store as i was walking by, back from lunch. and he's hold a huge umbrella!
i had no idea you could get furniture at goodwill!?

spot the difference?

Between last night and today some broke the window to the Midas shop.. i dont see how its so beneficial to break the highest window when there would be no way to get in and out of it... losers!

Bad word little girl

this little girl was sitting in front of me at lunch yesterday. and her grandma dropped something so she said 'shit' reallly loud.

Kitty cannon!@

I'm bored at work..
looking throught he games in my phone, and a featured game for unlimited minutes is $1.99.

"Launch your kitty as fas as possible but watch out for spikes and hungry plants!"


yesterday i was at work for a double shift.
12 hours.

went to bed at 2, work up at 1230. going back to work 3pm-9pm
coming home and doing homework tonight.
need to finish up 3 assignments.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Birds: natures worse friend.

birds are fast! and awesome
we just saved this cricket from being killed, flipped it out side and gave breakfast to some bird. sorrrwie mr. cricket. But it couldnt eat the stupid beetle that was right next to the cricket..!!!!

cant see me.

this is his "i know i'm in trouble" 'hidding' spot.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I love my kitty boy.

he is so cute when hes sleepin' .

my new earrings.

I love my moms work. she deals with people from other countries, and when they go back to their counties they give her gifts. she got a bracelet and these earrings, and she doesnt wear hang downs. so she gave them to me (earrings from EGYPT!)
the hieroglyphics say "pretty"

Famine eatin ice cream

who knew cats like skinny cow french vanilla ice cream?


i found out I'm sort of a hypocrite...

And that i'm the root of all issues.. (thanks for not saying anything about it.. >:p )

on another note:
is it bad to say i'm already of him? for the most part anyway. i still care, but not in the same way.
I'll talk to him, but definitely not the way i use to.. no more emotions in my words, but i still dont want to see him. i don't know if i'll ever want to see him again.
Although i do have to see him at least one more time in the next 70 years. Hopefully soon. the soon the better. that way the fast we can both get on with our lives and stop this tip-toeing around thing.

I can wait another weekend (after this one) because after that neither of us would be able to make up a good enough excuse not to get the meeting over with.

I'm also completely destructive. I'm not even hoping for the "next" guy. i have nothing left. . . . sorry in advance for whoever thinks i'm still worth it. I'm not.


i hate these bugs so much!
i hate the way the click. and get into the office, and walk around.... eeeew.
they creep me out so much!
i can deal with crickets... i can NOT deal with beetles and beetle relatives!... eeeeewk


"Its just more fun to add to the list... Check!"
~P. Anderson

(bad quality):
5:40-5:50 is where the quote comes from.


Dancing with the Stars.

"There was nothing growing in the groin! it wasn't hot.."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

big head


My favorite part of the movie. I really like this movie, but i love this dinosaur!! he makes me laugh. :)

woo-hoo. in cal class. my

woo-hoo. in cal class. my favorite class. now i should really do the homework from it to better understand.


best thing to happen to Cheetos since .... hot Cheetos i guess. these are sooo good.

dino teacher

i despise American Lit.. i dont really despise the the writers but i really dont like the teacher i have.
she's awful! the worse teacher i've ever had in any of my classes in college.
i dread coming to her class and taking her test because i'm sure she has no idea whats shes doing anymore. she is so old and annoing.


girls that dont wear bras are so nasty! sure they arnt comfortable sometimes, but get cloth ones.... no wires.
no one wants to see your girls flop around. and poke through your shirt... nasty! cover them up and trap them in chickas!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Who knew?

That my dad was so awesome at cutting nails?!

My mom did..
she's been holding out on me.

So he's the substitute until i learn, or find someone else who will do it for me, with out payment.

knowing is key

For the next boy/guy in my life:

i have greater expectations (no pun intended).
i know where im going in my life.
either jump on the bandwagon or sit in the mud.

I know what i want in a guy, and i'll even go as far as asking straight out. I'm tired of wasting my youth on something that will just end up wasting years of my life.

sure I'm young, but i'm not naive and stupid anymore. i will flat out tell you what i want. and if you are sure you cant deal with it, i'm not settling for you any more.

~with love from,
your future life.

45 inches

My hair is 45 inches long... wowow

hi-hooe.. Hi hoooe. Hi hoe hi hoe its off to work we go.

Today one of the girls basically got fired. and another one isnt going to be able to come in for the rest of the season. so a ton of hours just opened up for the three left (me included). so with the three that still can work on is only available nights, so she doesnt get many hours and the other two sil and i can work alternating days.. so we're getting a ton of hours for the next week and a half... and its awesome!
but after next week i'll have more time for school and wedding stuff. which is tons of fun as well. :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

damn dog!

I found out that i left the baby gate down to my room this morning, i swear i had it up guess not.
by leaving it down, my sisters stupid dog got into my room when my cats feeder dropped food, and pushed my cat out of the way, and ate my cats food..

so my sister had to feed my cat manually...

I cant wait for her to leave, and take that little dog too.. muahahaha.

holy shiz!

Just finished Dexter.
and What The Fruit?!

well thats going to suck. Hopefully i forget about it by September 2010 when season 5 is to start. because i'm getting out of it... but man thats going to suck!

and if you dont watch it, it is only alright.. time consuming, and sometimes repetitive. But it doesn't have very many people that it follows around, so there is always something new, and you don't have to keep up with this person or that one, or try to remember who that person is.
and if you dont like shows that have people cussin' you dont like this one at all, the sister has an ugly bad month.

So i hurt my back reallllly bad Saturday, and the pain is just now starting to go away.. i must have pulled something really bad in my lower back because it hurt to do anything up until about 45 minutes ago.

also I'm taking donations for my birthday.. :)
All though i think it's illegal to solicit over the internet.. super lame!

My classes today were good. nothing really happened in any of them. but the essay i worked on this weekend was pushed back to be due next monday in my brit lit class. and we scheduled a test in my american lit 1 class, and in my american lit 2 we havent done anything in a long time. as i said ealier we had a 30 minute long quiz in cal 1, then we worked on local maxs, and local mins.. FUN!

and that's my day.

why are you so blue?

the school painted a block of concret blue for some reason...
and the world will never know....

30 minute quiz in cal

30 minute quiz in cal 1 today! awesome. :)

this morning out of no

this morning out of no where i thought of exactly how i want my house. and what car i want

the trick is to figure out where i want to live, the job i want, and to find someone that wants it as well.

Broken nail.. :(

too late... dang it!
my files/clippers didnt come in, in time.. and my nail ripped anyway.... faaaak... oh well they should be in tomorrow i'll just need to figure out how to even the other ones out.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

proud of my cat.

I'm so pround of him cuz he's figured out the automatic feeder. and doesnt try to get his food out anymore :)

before he use to stick his hand up the flap to get his food to fall out, but i started to leave it down, and he figured out really fast (within the same day) that if you flip all the food out of the flap from the next feeding you dont get any food when it actually flips out...

so hopefully he continues to remember that.. :)
So now my automatic feeder, is actually automatic.

march 27....

I meant to have posted this way back on march 27th.. but i was using the wrong code to text it in so it didnt send.

My mom and i went and ate at teigos(sp?) and i had some spice chicken enchiladas. they looked good but they tasted ten time better!

(it was really good)

After this we had one of thier speical deserts, which was chocolate cake and cinnamon ice cream. (which is the BEST ice cream ever, i feel really bad for the people allergic to cinnamon)

it took FOR-EV-ER to get out, and my mom made a 'joke' and said "what is taking so long are the freezing your ice cream?" (i wasn't going to eat the nasty chocolate cake(uck), and she cant eat ice cream)
Right after she said that the waitress, as always, brings out the food. and she takes a big forkful of the cake and puts it in her mouth and makes the funniest noise!
So i got back at her saying "No they were heating up your cake!" It was realllly HOT!

Dog / Phone

I just found out that when i was a young kind and we lived in base housing we had a dog named Trouble. And it responded to its name.

But my parents gave it up because some guy my dad worked with wanted a German Shepard, so they just gave it to him. shortly after that he got divorced and got to keep the dog. :)

Also i asked my mom to throw my phone up to me, stupid idea because i can catch... and well i didnt and she missed it by an inch and it hit the floor and came apart and something broke off of it, but its insured (or so she says ... i'm pretty sure we opted out of the insureacnce on it) so we're going to go get it fixed eventually... It wasnt anythign impoartant, because the phone still works fine.

Apirl 4th

Not much happened today.

happy easter to people.. we had dinner about 6.
we made brisket, twice baked potatos, green bean cassirols, and crissont rolls; we also had salad with it. for desert we had red velvet cake.

I still have 4 response papers, 3 worksheets, and 2 essays to do.. And i want to do them before tomorrow.
I have ideas written down one on papers for about 4/5 of them.... I just have to type them..

I only have 12 more days of work, then I should be done until next year.. Unless i want to find another job else where, but I think as this semester goes on, and the summer and my next semester i wont have time for a real job. I'll have to find money doing something else... pooie.

i only have 3 more episodes of Dexter to watch, and i want to finish it but at the same time i dont... But once i do i'm getting out of it. So if it has another season i'm not going to watch it.
I just 'dropped' three other shows that i watch as well because they got really stupid in the last 3-5 episodes.

My sister has 20 days til her 22nd birthday, for some reason she's happy.... I dont see why she should be though its not an 'important' age.
And i have 6 months and 19 days till mine.. I hope i get to do what i want.

I also need about 35,000 dollars.....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Apirl 3rd.

After each breakup i go out and get nice things for myself. :)

So i got some new earrings so i can put away the ones he gave me.
i got a new pendent for my necklace so i can have something with my "love" pendent that didnt come from him.
i got a new bra and its awesome, i think its the best thing to come out in bras since they've been made!

And i cut my hair, it looks great!

My mom got me some polo shirts, and I'm looking into new clothes and better fitting shirts.

I have stopped popping my knuckles, its a bad habit.
I've "cold-turkey" stop cussing.
I had a bad habit of piking hang-nails, stopped that too...
Now all i need to work on is school and getting to bed/waking up at "decent" hours.

still have to learn how fail and keep my nails nice though.

"For Your Entertainment" Adam Lambert & Miss Green


homecomingqueen100 December 02, 2009Believe it or not, all content in this video was made for primetime, aimed at children and aired on ABC without complaints! Music: "For Your Entertainment" - Adam Lambert

because its awesome....

because its awesome....
havent been in a few years but want to go this year....
i dont think i'll be able to though. :( poo.

do, do you know how to?

'do you know how to fix up a damaged me?...
can you fix my H-E-A-R-T?
cuz its D-A-M-A-G-E-D...
you can blame the one before'

M. Jackson

Friday, April 2, 2010

you.. yes you

don't worry about any 'rep' of yours.
I wont even mention you're name, its this new thing i'm trying (and failing at in person).

the only thing we can ever be is friends now.

I see I wasn't you're "one", and you're obliviously not mine.
I have never given/and never will give my exs another chance, and i wont lie to myself.
its never worth it. i will get over you.

One day you'll figure this all out, and we'll both be happy again. (or pretend to be if we're not if we see each other again)

I hope:
one day we can go back to being convenient for each other, and be able to talk, with no restrictions on what to say. (but i have this feeling we'll always be awkward)
that you learn how to be relevant with what you say...
you can get past your issues and emotional problems.
you'll care for someone as I did for you, but i hope they leave you in the same place as you left me...

I hope:
you can relay on me with things you use to.
you find another that finds the real you more than you ever let me find.

Most of all i hope you find the "one" you're still looking and left me for.

Good luck with that.

FYI: you should have offered. i was going to say no. but now according to your way of thinking now i have to wait for the next guy after the next guy before i can say yes.. "have to say no to your first offer."

P.S. I'm keeping the name!

i cant stop.

I don't want to be that mad person again.
But i cant stop being emotional about my life.

being mad only generates anger, and anger generates resentment.

I was doing wonderfully with getting out of being a mad person at everything all the time with your help. And now i cant stop being mad, and i cant stop being sad, and i cant stop.

I'm in a downward spiral of going back to being a horribly person and i cant stop myself.

i hate everything more than i did before, and i cant get rid of these damn emotions! I had them bottled up for a reason... I want them all to go away again!

i hate them, and i hate you.
i have nothing left, I'm a wreak... I've tried so many things to be happy; to even smile, and i cant.
I cant stop.

what do i do? i hate being emotional over something so stupid as a break up. I thought i was 'stronger' than that, and this sucks.
I dont know what to do anymore.... And i really dislike not knowing whats next

iCarly :D

yeah yeah... i'm lame.. but whatever!
i like the show.



what will become of the conversations we never had?
or the ones that could have ended differently?



4 hours of sleep last night... tried!

and i can stop thinking about the memories. & they wont stop playing like movie

happy town

Gosh damn!

I'm seeing that commercial ALL the time now, and its beginning to look stupid!!
There looks like to much sex and it looks like its trying to hard to be scary.

I cant watch anything on ABC, or tv with out that damn commercial showing up.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Doms hair.

holy shiz!

with her hair like that it reminded me of FireFly. The episode where Shepherd Book took his hair down... (sorry i dont know how to make it a link that you click on and it goes to the page)



my nails are getting to long.. i have to figure out this gril thing of cutting them soon before they rip off.. piiaaann

Fences bite you in the face.

i swear they extended the fence out because the workers watched me run into it last week on monday.. wednesday it was farther out... then this last monday it was connected! so now there is no way for me to run into it.. but i can graze by it.. hehehe

-- everyone is connected in someway.
there was a guy that saw me run into the fence. he laughed at me... i turned red. i came into work the next day and this girl i work with (goes to my school) and she was talking about a girl that ran into a fence that a boy in her class told her about.... it was me... haha.
she laughed 'with me' (at me).
it was a great day. :)

First day back to work

First day back to work since that thing happened...
and its apirl fools day. ... how awesome.

i was asked if i wanted to go in on tuseday, but i opted out because i wanted to sit at home and mope all day. And i did!
we didnt have any icecream though. :(

but even if i went to work, i wouldnt have had a ride home and my other 'option' that isnt an option any more...
and i would have been in a non-client friendly mood.. so i would ahve been completly useless at work..

But today has been slow, and better.

john tesh radio show

john tesh says that guys figure out if they want to marry the person they're dating at 3 years 6 months and 20 days into the relationship (give or take about 5 days). if you're sayin no in your mind or out loud, end it. Dont keep her waiting. Thats all girls dream about. being happy, married, kids... and if you're not her guy, you're not worth being in her life... she may think you're the one for her but if you dont think it, she'll move on and find her one.


I paid for a permit through Texas, and they sent me a license in the mail. How retarded!
I dont know how to drive or anything, havent taken any lessons, and technically i can go out now and drive whenever.... because they messed up.
the Permit now anyway is like an ID, as they give you a laminated card with your picture on it. that is good until you get your license or until your 20th birthday.

So yeah. I can go kill people... i mean drive... with out the knowledge, just the concept.
I also paid for a Texas ID, and they didnt send me one, so someone owns me an ID or my money back!