Friday, April 2, 2010

i cant stop.

I don't want to be that mad person again.
But i cant stop being emotional about my life.

being mad only generates anger, and anger generates resentment.

I was doing wonderfully with getting out of being a mad person at everything all the time with your help. And now i cant stop being mad, and i cant stop being sad, and i cant stop.

I'm in a downward spiral of going back to being a horribly person and i cant stop myself.

i hate everything more than i did before, and i cant get rid of these damn emotions! I had them bottled up for a reason... I want them all to go away again!

i hate them, and i hate you.
i have nothing left, I'm a wreak... I've tried so many things to be happy; to even smile, and i cant.
I cant stop.

what do i do? i hate being emotional over something so stupid as a break up. I thought i was 'stronger' than that, and this sucks.
I dont know what to do anymore.... And i really dislike not knowing whats next

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