Monday, May 14, 2018

Dear Pops 5/14/18

The doc appt all worked out. The place I ended up getting a "new patient" appt at, ended up being part of the same place I was previously seeing but they had split off from the group that got bought out a while ago. So when I went in they were able to skip the yearly woman's exam and gave me the shot I needed... But I had to set up the other appt for two week out... so tomorrow... Bleh.
But it needs to get done sooo its getting done.

Went to sign the medical form today, the form that basically authorizes them to look at the records that my recruiter has sent them.
hopefully it doesn’t get sent back again, cuz my recruiter said he ended up sending it three times before they nearly accepted it and set it back for the form not being signed any longer from the edits and sends.

He was quite confident that it would be approved and that I should be able to set up a physical very soon. So he gave me the next part, the background check. 15 pages! That’s a lot of information!

So that’s that. *rolls eyes*

I went to the gym, and I don’t have a great time, but I don’t have a terrible time. The boyfriend says he was in a meeting in which a TI said that she only wished that new recruiter could start out day one being able to run 1.5 miles in 26 minutes. Today I ran just about 1.15 minutes and split it with walking .35 of it, getting 1.5 in 20:30... So I think day 1 I should be off to a good start... and then have 7.5 weeks to shave 5 minutes. (Well really I have all the time between now and then to shave off more time anyway, but I’m still a little proud of myself.)
I just have to get better at push-ups and sit ups.

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