Sunday, January 3, 2016

Nov 22, Nov 23

Nov 22

B4aG finally showed up today. No tools went down during our shift this day. However, when we came to shift 72 etch Chamber 2 was already down. It ended up being down all day. Maintenance looked at it 40 minutes before shift change and the next shift did not look at it as it was still down on the 23rd. I know this because I'm psychic. No, I wrote this post on the 23rd... That's how boring the 22nd was.

Nov 23

When we came in today, there was a sign that said 'meeting at 5:45, go to lunch room, pizza will be served. The sign didn't lie, pizza was there, yum. The meeting was informing us that the contract was signed and my company was officially sold. But, the changes don't take effect until Jan 4th. Since I don't technically work for my company I'm still unsure if I'll have a job. The people in management are unsure if I'll have a job. They just know that every current (not temp) employee will be given a offer letter. I'm temp. They all say that the new company will keep the temps but unsure for how long. They said int he meeting they would keep them as long as the position needed filling, which means they could keep me until they hire me or hire a permanent replacement that is not not as much to worry about as my last job.

After getting back into the fab...

Today is a day for P1 lots.
I thought yesterday had a lot of P1' so far has already passed the total we had yesterday...and it's only 10pm.
We've had one at least every 1.25 hours. I had two in 30 minutes and both went down to 11C, which is a bay I rarely go into. I delivered one to 11C, went back to my bay and had another waiting (which is a NO, NO! Priority One lots need to be hand delivered to a person, not left in a bay because had they put it in a place i never look at it could have waited for hours). But lucky them we have an open space that it was put on and was easily spotted). I ran that on, when it was done it also went to 11C, so went to go deliver it. When I got down there, the lady running the tool it went on, who I've never talked at that moment decided to chew me out. She said, "Each lot takes 25 minutes, just because you bring them to me doesn't me they'll run faster!" I just said okay, who I'm to tell her that according to her tool dispatch, she has 6 lots not dispatched to her, incorrectly staged at her tool. Had she had the correct lots, it wouldn't take an extra 25 minutes (because her tool can run 6 lots at a time). P1 doesn't mean run faster, it means runs 1st, run now. Both P1 were dispatched to her. if she wants to take them to a different tool that can run them fine by me, I just take them out of my name. Oh they would be in my name because instead of being placed on a shelf at track out for someone to pick it up, they are 'placed' on my person and moved to the next location. Ex, if i were to track out a normal lot on my screen it says take to "04A1_O" or ""04A_O" which the program has all ready assigned it and the next persons tool that it runs on their screen tells them which shelf it will be located on. With P1 lots my screen says take it to "[name of person tracking it out]" and where it goes instead of saying where to find it, it also shows them the name of the person who tracked it out.

For the rest of the night we got 1-2 P1 lots an hour, I guess since the sale of the company is final the old company wants to get it's products out fast so it upgraded a bunch to P1s instead of normal production.

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