Thursday, December 31, 2015

Nov 11

Nov 11
The sink went down today because a tank did not drain in the scheduled time. It ended up being down for about 3 hours before maintenance came to look at it. When they did finally come, he couldn’t get the tank to respond, so he shut it down and all the lights went off in the sink. The bay went really dark! When he turned the sink back on he walked away to either go look at something or get a tool, and the sink turned off by itself. That was not supposed to happen. All of the tanks drained when the sink turned itself off.
After that I looked at our internal program called “navigo” which shows all the machines in the fab and has a color chart for if they are up, down, in qual, under maintenance, or under engineering observation. When looking at the program, I noticed that 5 of the 9 sinks were down / under maintenance.
My old Bay 4A coworker who is now in Bay 5A/6A came and got me to show me why is sink was down. He was running a single wafer when the robot picked up the wafer out of the cassette and the wafer somehow it tipped out of the teeth of the comb arms and landed flat against them like demonstrated below with a top view drawing.

Turned out one of the teeth had a crack in it, so when the wafer shifted during the lift the tooth behind it did not hold the shift and the wafer slipped. The last time that happened it slipped between the teeth and landed in the hole below but didn’t break.
At the beginning of the shift B4a coworker walked into the bay and said “I’m doing ash today, and there is nothing you can do about it.” I think it was because he got in trouble yesterday for being caught in Bay 11D talking more than six times, and our lead was mad that he left me to run the bay by myself which isn’t hard when it is slow but even when it is slow it is still nice for that extra hand to run sink or scope, or if any work for the etchers.

The Numbers
Last week we had the numbers meeting. I think this also got to B4A’s head with wanting to run ash. Mostly because anyone who runs the ashers will be number 1 in the fab. So he was running ash all day and I was fine with that. However, I was running the sink until it went down for a while, the scope, the descum and helping another bay and was staying on par with his numbers all night which just shows that he is just lazy... Which he is. He sometimes disappears for 30 to 75 minutes at a time.
This really pisses me off because he just got hired to "the company" full time and I still may not have a job because my supervisors still don’t know if the temps will keep there jobs. All the people that are already full time employees are saying the company will "probably" keep the temps because they will need people that already know the job. It annoys me to great lengths that he got hired on as full time. I think they only hired him because they released they had kept him as a temp for 11 months by the time they started the switch over paperwork.
However the temps don’t get paid time off, PTO, holiday pay, vacation pay, or time bank. It was confirmed today that the fab will have a shutdown from December 20 to January 3rd. No one but maintenance will be working in the two weeks. No product will be moving. I get no pay for 2 weeks during the holiday season but my lazy B4A coworker does.

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