Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Oct 27

Nothing interesting happened before 8:30 today. The ash work is still slow but the descum has a lot of work today. I usually only get 10 lots a day and so far have done 9 lots and have 8 lined up in queue and it’s only 9 pm.
Left a letter on the desk of the day shift…hopefully I will get a call by the end of November, I may need a new notebook for work as I keep using it to make letters for the supers if I miss the chance to talk to them in the lab and letters for the other shifts supers for overtime and notes on what I’m going to say in the blog while I remember it. Arg! Only 19 pages left from a book of 100.
Skunk gross!
We have a filtered air system that is supposed to help us with particles, but whenever a skunk sprays in the area the air system picks it up and spreads it through the lab and it smells like purified skunk spray. I wonder if it still has particles, it must or else your nose shouldn’t be able to pick it up, right?

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