Sunday, October 25, 2015

the bet that my dad doesnt regret.

I was losing faith in myself going thru my calculus classes. I was taking the same class over and over again which was suck. I felt like I was wasting my time and my dad’s money for paying for classes I was failing. However over those couple of years on taking calculus classes I was trying to get my dad into watching Doctor Who. He kept telling me no because he use to watch it as a kid and knew that if he started watching the new series he would have to catch up with all of it. Sometime in the fall of 2014 we were having a late night veg fest watching TV and talking and there were some Doctor Who eps that came on. I took this time to fill in some "before these eps" background story. We watched 4 eps in a row and had to stop watching them because the next few eps were out of order and broke the story arch. At this point we were still talking, and were talking about my fears of the Cal classes... So he made a bet "if you pass Cal 3, we'll watch all of new Doctor Who." Hands were shook. So I signed up for my Cal 3 class.

Months later I started my Cal 3 class, which was an online class, and continued to fear because the class was so difficult... mostly because it was online and I was working a time consuming job. So it was self-taught in I had the time. But I had to make the time even if it was at 10p.

Fast forward months later I passed all my tests, and I totally passed my final.
Then I got fired, and we started our Doctor Who marathon starting from the 2005 series. We finished the marathon of Doctor Who just in time to watch the start of the new season....However the new season started on Sept 20th, and Sept 19th my family went on a cruise for 10 days plus a few extra days in our departure city. When we got home we had 3 episodes to watch. The only thing that is lame about this is that we have to wait a week between each episode…. We can’t just binge watch them.

However next summer it sounds like we may be catching him up on the Walking Dead series.

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