Monday, May 21, 2012

my finals

My finals went well. I passed all but one, nd the one i failed i still passed the class.

Linguistics - (this was a normal M/W class) i passed both my final paper, and final test.
The professor told us that our test was going to be 5 short answer questions (and her short answers are a page and a half each) all about the 'red book'. with this info I'm freaking out. i didn't really understand most of the things the 'red book' was talking about so i was going over ALL the notes about the book and skimming the chapters. i was walking into the final knowing i was going to fail, so the night before i just prepared myself to fail. the professor was 13 minutes late, which was alright. when she walked in she had one sheet of paper (for each student- our test) and it is filled from top to bottom with question. a sea of blocked question (which means many parts to each question). when she hands them out i start reading the question, OMG, none of these questions have anything to do with the 'red book'! "BAM! i'mma pass this" i thought.
Finished the test in an hour, first one done. I DID! -- I got an A for this class.

Colonial and 19th Century American Literature - (this was a hybrid of W and online) SkittleHair and I took this class together. She has the wonderful ability of putting aside her own opinions and just telling the professor what they told us in her essays, taking on the opinion on the professor. I cant do this for some reason. In this class we had 4 essays. on the first essay i got an 87, and then and 65, then 56. when we got the the final i was thinking there was no way i was going to pass the class unless i got an 86 on the final. I didn't. either i really did write an awful paper, or our professor really hated my paper. i got a 65 on the final. i thought i was doom! (so she really thought i had awesome things to say in class and on the discussion board, or she didn't want me to retake her class...) either way i ended up with an 82 in the class, leaving with a C. One more class with This Professor in the summer and I'm done with that section of the degree plan.

Do you remember my British Literature class? - (this was an online class) SkittleHair was taking this class with me as well, but she dropped after the first essay because she did bad. :( I thought about dropping this class, but i wanted to vomit at the thought of it. Ive never dropped a class before. I Figure I've already spent the money, im not getting it back... even if i fail this class i should stick with it so i know what to expect next time i take it.
I Highly Dislike this teacher. I Will Never Take Another Class With Her Again! I gave her a bad review, and will be talking to the head of the English department about her. We had 6 papers in this class. i got a 50, 60, 60, 87, 76, 83 on them. (the 83 being the final) she also must have liked what i said in the discussions boards because i passed this class with a B. I still don't like her, and don't have to take anymore classes in the section of the degree plan.

Introduction to Learning Psychology - (normal M/W class) Our final was a 30 question test, consisting of 6 questions from our previous 4 tests, and 6 new ones over the last section. I was taking this class with a Psych friend (which i don't have a nickname for) and she wasnt doing the best in it because she thought it was going to be easy and started blowing it off from the beginning to focus on a harder PsychStats class. So to help her and myself we made flash cards of every question on every test and the new possible questions and studied them. We made these flash cards the night before the test... and studied then until 2 AM. Fortunately our final was at 4 pm the next night. so when we got up in the afternoon, we went to the school and studied for a couple more hours. All the time used studying paid off BIG time! we both got 100's on our finals which secured my A, and helped her get a High B.

I think from now on I will be saying that I'm a Psych major with an English minor, even though I'm double majoring, because I've never gotten anything lower then an A in my Psych classes, and get more B's in my English.

Spanish 2- this class was lame. the teacher wasn't very helpful, and i b.s'ed my way through this class (Sorry dad, it wasn't that important to me- I just needed to pass). Which I did pass. I got a C. Good enough for me. I don't need any more Foreign Language classes. (I will however be pissed if A&M makes me take another one because i only took 3 language classes to get the 12 hours, and not 4.

For this summer, I am currently signed up for 4 classes, but as soon as i get my fall figured out and finalized, i should only have 3 summer classes, and 4 fall classes. and then i'll be done! :) !!!!!!!
well kind of, i'll be taking on class in the spring to see if i can salvage things.

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