Sunday, April 10, 2011

you and i

i wish we were better friends, you and i. i know there are so many things in our way that prevent it, and we have very few things in common to solidify it.

you and i talk mostly in the summer but not much during the rest of the year. one summer will come and go, when the conversations never start.

Then what?

you and i? we go on with our summers and years... we even might forgot about each other. we move on.
not as you and i... but just as you . . . and . . . I . . .

What comes after that?

the occasional "hey, whats new? how are things?" or a happy birthday only when facebook reminds us... if we remain "friends" online.
will we still be blogging? or secretly still reading each others blogs, hoping you and i were still friends or better friends, cuz we realize how much we do actually have in common.

but never commenting.

how do we become better friends if neither of us know where to start?

i miss you sometimes. i wish were we back in HS, texting, in Mr.Flores' choir class. . . .

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