Sunday, April 17, 2011

water spot

Good thing tax season was extended this year! This is what we came into this morning that we wouldnt have know about if we had closed this past friday. and the place that flooded us wouldnt have been around till 12.

its looks like this all in the front by Mr.84! desk, and a stream of it to where the trio of Po/SupaWife/JW sit and where CG/DA/DW sit. but the back two are fine and the boss' desk is currently untouched.

we have 10 computers including the two i have in the front. Out of the ten only 4 work. the rest have water damage. Well one of mine works but it is connected to a power strip that was submerged in water, so it probably got fried.

again, Where the boss sits and were the best taxpro sits, those are the only ones that work.

the assistant property manager came out cuz the property manage herself is in houston and will be back tomorrow. the APM called the water company they deal with and told them to get a team together to come suck up the water before mold starts to set in. so they should be by today.

the place next to us a nail salon, it was one of the foot machines. a pipe under it busted. so if they are smart they will sue the plumbers that they hired that didnt cap the pipe right... because they are getting charged for everything in our office (which it to thier right), and the office next to us (to our right, if it has anything) and the other office to the left of them.. after monday if the property manager needs to get into this office she'll have to call our distric office, so i gave the APM the number to the distric office.

FUN FUN day! :)

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