the test went awesome-ly.
i totally forgot about it. i got a B on the oral conversation with the teacher and i only got a B because when she asks me a question i dont answer in a complete sentence... because i choke on the words in fear of saying them wrong.
she asked "where do you live; in a house, an apartment, or on campus."
i responded "in a house." instead of "i live in a house."
she asked if i lived alone.
i said non, avec moi parents (no with my parents) which is choppy; instead of non, j'habite avec moi parents (no, i live with my parents).
I know i SHOULD use complete sentences, but shes right I start to, then i back out because i think its going to be wrong.
but all in all it was fun.
On the written part i i had a few things in mind and just started writing a bunch of stuff. (we had a slight prompt, and had to write a paragraph (in french) to the person that we are going to be roommates with).
and on the comprehension part i think i mussed up two of the questions by flipping what went where.
But with a B on the oral i think i got a B on the test, and if not, I hope she lets up do corrections like she did last time.
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