Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I've been away for oh so long!

I've been away for oh so long!

So many group projects in school.
I hate group projects.

Since last I mentioned anything Super Saiyan and I are still friends I guess.

x posted some stupid ass photo that my freshmen "tagged" me in on facebook, because I’m not friends with anyone else in that picture so no one else could tag me...
But since it was in x's pictures, I un-tagged me, and told my freshmen (who graduated this last year in May-- so not really a freshmen anymore, haha)...
Anyways, I told him that it was someone of a nice thought, but not to tag me in x's pictures. This made me look around at his page because I was wondering what he'd been up to... nothing new in his pictures so nothing new to report on... but I thought for less than a second that I should say Hi and see how things are, but I still have this over powering urge to not want to talk to him.

More so then any other ex-boyfriend I’ve had.
Bunches, Blondie**, and Super Saiyan are the only ex's I’ve talked to after the break up... and I’ve had enough boyfriend..... but just so many don’t think I’m some kind of slut, I’ve only had 15 boyfriends, and I remember all of their names and which order they came in.... and roughly how long we dated before separation happened.

**(for those that know me, this was B...t, the freshmen I dated when I was a junior in high school-- I’ve not talked about him so he didn’t have a name before this post... and he has some Blond hair)


I recently went to a Jonas Brothers concert, followed by a Brett Michael concert (free at Sea World), and followed by a Carrie Underwood concert!!
my mom and I go to a lot of concerts.... but not really a LOT, this year has been the most in a ever... and two of them were free
And the RODEO is coming up again (in February haha) and those concerts are awesome... So is bull riding!! I love bull riding. It makes me hot and heavy! (JUST KIDDING!!)
But I do like it. :)

School time:
I have a group project in all of my classes... well only 4/5 since dance is a group project the whole way through.... since we all have to learn a dance to perform at the end of the semester

For my human sexuality class, one group member dropped the class 2 weeks after we go the group project and told us today 2 days before the first part is due... Way To Go, Dude!! So now the other three people, including me, have one more day to get his part done AND type up an essay due Thursday.

Philosophy.... my Favorite class (HEAVY on the sarcasm!) everything we do in this class in a group grade, group quizzes, AND group IN CLASS essays that have to be grammatically correct, in order, with a outside resource, 3-6 pages long and all done in 75 minutes HANDWRITTEN out...... what kind of loony teacher does that???... And if he can’t read it Points off!! Really????

OKAY I Know that my generation should know how to do this, but we grew up in the age of the computers that did this stuff for you, the last time a teacher requested that they should be able to read my hand writing was in 4th grade, in California. When I moved out to Texas in the 4th grade, they told me that everything needed to be typed out because they were going to try to decipher codes from students anymore.. So after that year I didn’t have any more penmanship classes, I never needed to write clearly or anything... unless of course I wanted to read it later. So it’s complete ludicrous (!!) that this teacher is having us do it this way when we sit in a classroom with 25 computers and a printer available....

In my intro to psyc class we have a group project about "change the world (for the better) and my group was going to try to show people in the community that not all Muslims are bad, just this one group... and if they still dont believe us we were going to point out things that could be consider terroristic in the popular organized religions and ask if they think those groups are terrorist and why or why not.. then go back to why we choose to keep grouping all of the Middle Eastern people and Muslims as ALL being terrorist, making us no better than how we thought about the Japanese when Japan bombed us in Pearl Harbor (except credit to us, we didn’t put them in camps for years)
we got Red Light(ed) for this, and were told to change it or make it more specific to be able to do this in a few weeks and not something that would take a few years, so we changed it to volunteering at Meals on Wheels and getting statistics on how many of the people that show up there are actually homeless, jobless, or they just can’t buy food. But not in a negative way, it would be just to show that anyone can go get food from these groups for a number of reason, they don’t have to be just homeless or penniless.

And the last group project (excluding dance) is in my English class a partner and I have write our own separate papers comparing and contrasting two stories, then we have to present our findings to the class and explain the story the class hasn’t read to everyone in a power point or such.
its sounds easy, and I’m sure it is which is why I’ve had it for about a week and haven’t started on it yet, the papers are due this next Monday and the presentation will start money so I want to have our presentation done by then to go first and get it over with.

And then last is dance we've learned the first 30-60 seconds of our dance now we're working on placement and or entrances and when we meet up with the boys and such... yeah... I may post a video of me attempting the dance.... might...

And last but Not least, I changed my tooth brush and ora brush last night after I used the old ones and used the new ones today and I LOVE new toothbrushes!! They just feel sooo great. :)

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