Tuesday, July 27, 2010



when you’re little your mother always tells you to follow your heart. But as you grow older, the advice changes. Think things through, be cautious, and sometimes it’s best not to follow your heart if your head is telling you not to. The last part, while necessary, makes me wonder why they ever tell you the first part. True, you need to believe in something, but I think a lot of stupid behavior in the name of love can be attributed to the belief that “love conquers all” and that you should go for it, because true love will survive.

...Everything will be okay eventually; it’s going to take some time, and you just have to hang on long enough to get there. You will get there.

"It’ll keep hurting until you let him go. And letting him go will be the hardest thing you ever do."

Some of the best things that people say or can ever say are the things written down.
for me everything flows better when i write; it all sounds better when I have something prepared to in advance to a big speech or for a conversation that i want to have...
I can think on my feet pretty well, but if it doesnt sound good in my head i have to either keep thinking about it until its perfect or until i write it down.. because writing places everything in the right order.... even if it turns out to be exactly how it is in my head, it looks better down on paper or in an email.

if i dont write it down i tend to let some of my emotions in, and it becomes bias. that isnt always a bad thing, but i tend to also not give about the person i'm talking to if i have a point that i'm getting to.... hence the WhiteMM crying. i was trying to hard to not let emotions in, but i failed and got pissed, but i let my rage out on her and into the conversation we were having, instead of leaving it to myself.... (that sounds awkward)

i think when it comes to my blogs i jump around a lot because i just go point by point from my days or what i want to say... i miss somethings sometimes and have to go back to add it in, or make a new blog... so they might not flow as well as they could, but they still arnt horrible.

I am going to make three other postings that are going to just have points for now, but they will be filled with the days in Houston tomorrow for sure.

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