Wednesday, June 2, 2010

black day

we've run out of colors. so now we're going to start them over since i did laundry today. :)

in the picture we're looking at his phone which is where the mega flash, which is making me super white, is coming from.

he made us (with my help) bananananananana pancakes for breakfast. after we watched some DBZ.
the we went to lunch at which wich, picked up his mom from work and watched Alice in Wonderland (2010).

found out the meaning behind the adams apple, what the white things are in snow-globes, and why Cheetos are puffy instead of chip like.

narrowed down a soon to be important date to one of three days.
a peck exchanged.. threw me off guard it was fun. now the wait for the day beings. three reasons why. each reason unbeknown to me. but its cool. i have learned the hard way, that waitin aint all that bad.

Tall Nan can F-_- off! trying to tell me i'm wrong on my spelling. i know how to spell and if not i mark that i dont know, StupidHead!
i'm good.
that was my day. sleep now.

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