Saturday, May 15, 2010

On the road again.... (again)

I will update my trip when i get home for sure with all the pictures... but we're only about two and a half hours into the drive home. Super Saiyan is not felling so super saiyan. :(
and the car is super cold. his mom and step-dad have kept the AC on 65 the whole time.

after the graduation, a random girl came up to take a picture with him, and asked if i was his fiance. hahaha. :)
i was lookin supa fine! wore a dress, did my hair, and had one some nice heel-less flats.
then we went to a luncheon.. his mama is funny, and i make her laugh to.. she asked her husband if they can take me around everywhere they go. haha. after that we got changed into our street clothes after that.
we're currently on highway 21. just outta cowdwell texas. :)

tomorrow they are going to Acadana for lunch. and it was just going to be a family thing, but then his mama invited me to go along.

sweet! Acadana is so good.


  1. did you come to A&M? which graduation did you go to? why did you not tell me?

  2. No. I went to SFA's Graduation. To see Super Saiyan graduate... I dont know why i didnt... I dont think i really told anyone, besides my parents.. and here and there in the blog.
