Wednesday, March 31, 2010


i wont be mad at him for any of this.
it is all his fault. but placing blame doesnt help, and doesn't even matter.

its all over now, and now i don't have to be tied down. somethings i need to let go of are:
so much time was wasted. He stopped caring "less than a year ago" but drug this out and drug me with him... He wasted almost a year of my life that i could have been using to get over him.
he always said "we'd marry our high school sweet hearts" i guess i wasnt his.
and i thought we cared about each other so much that we had kid names picked out. but i guess not.

Now that its all over though, i get to become the wonderful successful person i was going to be with out with out him, and i'll rub it in his face. He'll never get me back, and i will never lower my standers for men again.

so i talked to my parents and my closest friends about it, and i feel much better. hopefully the pain goes away faster because i talked to people about it. and i hope he doesnt find happiness for a LONG time, and he realizes what a drastic mistake he's made by just giving up on me.
he's also giving back the ring (on my request) only so he doesnt give it to some other skank in the future.

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