Monday, November 22, 2010

these are all of the colors. 8 girls, 2 of each color.
i'll try to get a picture of all of us in the between now and december 5th... cuz our dance is the 4th as mentioned before. we're going to be bright!

my computer did what?!?

well our printer has been going on the crap-out for the last month ish... every so often it works, most of the time it doesnt. But that isnt a major issue unless i need to print something out one morning and that happens to be the day it is going on the crap-out.

Which then i have to go to up the school in a rush, usually forget something, and print it out at school.. this wouldnt be a problem either but our school charges for printings now.... SO SUPER LAME! this happened this morning. i went the lab that has free printing, but it was full of students, i guess there was a class going on... So i had to print it out at the library, which i ran into MnotT's mom.... i have been trying to avoid her, but this time i couldnt. bleh.

Either way, i kept my answers short sweet and to the point. i printed out my 9 page paper which cost me .90 cents so that isnt that bad, but it is still lame! we pay a hefty library fee, why isnt the money actually being used for the library, to keep the printing free?! stupid lame way of trying to get EVEN more money out of us at a Community College! 16,000 people go to this school, just up the library fee another 5 bucks and that is a shit-ton of money that could be used to keep printing free.

i also had to check out a book for my phil class. that i have to make notes on. So that what i'll be doing for my break. make note on two book, on is the assigned book, and the other is an outside reading, writing 3 essays, doing two journal logs, and practicing my dance. a lot to do in 5 days.

On to what my computer did:

I plug in a card reader, and my computer refused to read it. i plugged the card reader into every USB drive i have and it just say "generic drive plugged into [this] port"
YES i know that!..... i want to get the information off of it! so read the damn drive!
I've been having a great day. :D (very sarcastic)

fast foward now to last week

i went to an advising talk during my class break. and i listened to a&m san antonio's talk.. after the talk i asked the adviser how many credits max do they usually talk from transfer students? the adviser said that a&m sa, with little exception they take 88 hours in transfer credits..... YAY me! i have 95 after this semester.. so that was a major shock. i thought i had at least another semester before i had to decide to leave Vista and go to another school.. but NO. life decided for me that it wanted to speed things up faster then what i wanted it to... and now i have to learn to drive, apply to school, get accepted, transfer financial aid, register for classes and learn how to get to the campus and back all by jan 17th ish. omg! aaaaaaahhhhhh

and two weeks ago we decided on these skirts for my dance class, and i ordered them last week after everyone paid me for them, and they came in today. so i'm taking them to class tomorrow to make sure they all fit everyone else. and if they dont i have to return them and hopefully get the new ones in before next Thursday, which is the 2nd of dec... because our final dance in on the 4th of December.

my dad did what?

he hit the jeep.. but its okay it gives my car some personality.. and a bit of pay back cuz when the jeep was his i hit a pole and tree. that dent is a permanent one... this one can eventually be fixed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

not in the good way....

So thanksgiving break is coming up next week, but i dont keep track of time and somehow thought that it was this week, WHOOPS! but whatever.
That just mean i actually have more time then i thought i did to get my English research paper done. :) yay for my lack of judging time skills?

This week i dont have a ride home for two days, Tuesday and Wednesday. Which means i get to stay up at the school for 2 more extra hours both days waiting for someone to come get both Dom and i. there a few people i could try to ask, but i'd rather not for a number of reasons on both.. So i'll just wait for when my mom or sister to come get Dom and go home with her. This gives me time to do my psyc essays that are due this week and next week (two psyc classes, two different essays). :) yay for lack of knowing how to technically drive?

next on the list is i've started going to bed earlier, which is good.. but has no real point other then i'm not as tired as i have been the past few weeks... and definitely less stressed out.

i got a cat door, which is super cool!!
my dad installed it this past weekend, i helped best i could. It is an automatic door, that opens when a magnetic collar tag that the cats wear comes close to it. It took Famine only a day to get use to "this is how its going to be, might as well use it" and War... doesnt like it. it scares him.. so my cat has a place to hid from the dog and other cat when he just wants to sleep. which is cool!! and i can close my door and LOCK it when i want no one in my room.... the reason i got the lock 3 years ago but havent been able to use for the past 2 because of Famine.

AND it keeps the DOG out of my room!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which i love, cuz now he cant destroy stuff, take my trash out of the trash can or Shit on my carpet!

i just love my sisters UNtrained dog... Oh so much! .. (Sarcasm)

I went to a Rick Springfield concert with my mom, and if you're friends with my on facebook, i'll have those pictures posted this week, probably Friday, even though it was last week..... Oh wells.

And my parents had their 23rd wedding anniversary this past Sunday so the family (minus my sister (working) and plus Dom went to Benihana's. It was AWESOME dark pictures of that to come as well)

other then that i think i have everything updated from the last two blogs, and everything that i wanted to mention, mentioned in this one... until next month... just kidding, until next time have fun?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

movie review.

misspelling=super tired
this review will be on the movie 8mm.

i dont recommend for weak stomach.

it could be a scary movie, but not in a bloody, gory way.. but more of in a mind screw way... cuz the main idea of the movie is something so horrible, yet so terrible possible. something that only a select handful of people, with a certain kind of mind would do.

its about snuff films. films that are an 'urban myth' because one hasnt surfaced anywhere. no one that has claimed to have one can proved the copy when asked for it.

they are films that take a person & film them like porn, but while having sex kill the person kept filming & once theyre dead finish the sex & dispose of the body. as i said no one is going to admit to making them or having them cuz of the murdering aspect. but its mind screwing, cuz someone in this world could make it & someone will buy it. so cuz it is so possible its terrifying. it also has nicolas cage starring.
he is the good guy in this movie (related to a past blog of mine where i reviewed other movies he was in.)

dance class.

so in my dance class we have two tall guys. one is 6'4" the other is 6'6". i've been paired up for random across the floor exercises in the past cuz i'm the tallest girl standing at a whooping 5'(<)6" but close enough to be 5'6". in tusedays class, no body wanted to willingly be my partner, so i had to wait for a guy to come back around to get me (8 girls, 6 guys). well 6'6" came back. we did sha-na's(sp?) which are really fast spins that the girls do and the guy holds her hand and guides so she doesnt fall or run into someone. we have to do it going right, then collect ourselves and go left. *i'll have to explain this later so check back hopefully tomorrow*

Okay i know its WAY later the last week but the update is:
they hold our hand with the same hand (so right hand with right hand, facing forward but going to your right) then you get onto your tip-toes and do really fast tight spins while spotting (looking at the same spot when you turn so you dont get dizzy--which i cant do). And when you stop, if you're bad at spotting like me, you have to get un-dizzy (collecting yourself) then go left doing the same things with the left hands, and a new spot on the other side of where your going (the place you started from)

SORT of like this but with a guy holding your hand and going in a direction to the other side of the room: (ALSO in the title)

i did great on going right (i'm better at most dance moves going right). on the going left i was getting into position, and 6'6" said "dang your tall"... compared to all the other girls but one in the class i'm the tallest. the one taller then me is 5'11" ish. i said "&ure not?& thanks" back. then i did the turns, & about fell...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I always have things that I’m thinking about posting on, and then I have other things that are higher on my priory list, and completely forget about that things I want to blog on when I get back to remembering "oh I had a blog about......... shiz what was I going to say!!!"

Anyways I’m going to try to remember to do this at least once a week; my favorite song of the week.

This week is
Fairytale by Sara Bareilles. I think its "moral" is a sad but a bitter truth of not everything is happy ever after... even the happy ever after people have a crappy life. haha *link also in the title*

So school!!:
I turned in a paper today for my English class, and the teacher gave it back to my at the end of the class graded. I got a B, but it turned into a C because I had run on sentences... and it was a re-do, she didn’t even grade the paper the first time around she looked at the first 2 lines or so and rejected it. told me to do it over. haha. so because it was a re-do I got a grade lower for turning it in "late" whatever. :)

I ended up dropping one group in my intro to psych class and picked up a different group. the reasons you may not be asking yourself?? The original group still didn’t have an idea on what they were going to be doing for the final project. and I picked up an a group that is trying to educate teenagers about the teen pregnancy and how hard it can be and such... two of the group members were teen mothers, so we have 3 sides, teen mothers, not teen mothers but saw it in high school, and a guys perspective on how the guy would have to deal with the child support and whatever else would come up (but he is not a teen father)

in my other psych class, we have half of the project done, and we have to think of 4 new questions and survey people on them for the other half. sounds easy enough.. now we just have to get the questions approved. But first we must actually think of the questions.. haha :)

my Phil class still sucks. I have to read some 160 pages that a famously dead philosopher wrote (not one about him, one that he wrote) for the final. we have an essay test tomorrow, which I still hate these lame-o testing way, but whatever gets me the damn A to never take this class again... !!!

and in my dance class we actually have the whole dance laid out! we know every step and we know every step in order.. Now we just have to practice it over and over and over and over and over And over ANd over AND over AND Over AND OVer AND OVEr AND OVER AND OVER for the next 3 weeks. :) Oh and keep up with the music, and not forget anything in the dance, and hopefully she doesn’t change or take anything else out or add anything else to it. :)

and we should be able to get it. haha YAY us.

That’s about it for the last few weeks of updates.

Just Kidding!

We had this cool Psychology day Nov 2nd, and for extra credit we had to go around to 7 or more of the booths and find out what they were doing and get someone to sign off on a paper. One of the booths was "which on has sugar" you got three small random samples of coke-cola, diet coke, or coke zero. you could get all three of one, or two or one and one of another or any combination of the sorts.

I got my three samples, they didn’t tell you which ones you had until you said which ones had sugar on this piece of paper you got handed. the first one was the nastiest thing I have had in a long time, thus I knew it was coke-cola, thus it has sugar in it. the other two samples were good so they were either diet coke or coke zero. it didn’t ask us which ones we thought we had, just which had sugar. I was sure I had coke-cola, coke zero, and coke zero... and BAM! I know my sodas! I gave the paper back to the lady, and she looked at it, looked at me, looked at the one pouring the sodas behind a huge poster board, and gave it to her teacher. then pointed at the combo they gave me. The teacher looked at me and said that only one of 4 people get it right, and I got it right. :) cuz I’m a genius... :p

now I’m done. :) off to finish up some work due.... tomorrow. :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

lightening to hail in 15 minutes

it started to lightening outside, then it start thundering. this went on for about 15 minutes. then it start raining so hard it sound like the wind and rain were going to shatter glass. but that wasnt to worse part. it then started to hail huge pieces of ice. how horrible... it was loud and angry! with no mercy in sight. looking online the weather band is all the way across texas and heading our way.. this is just the start of the storm... the hail has stopped for now, but may pick up again. this is going to be a fun night.